More love and tolerance from the religion of peace. Muslim militants in Nigeria burn Christian pastor and his family alive and destroy 15 villages

ISIS may be gone, but the religion of peace continues its loving and tolerant ways, butchering Christians across Africa and destroying Christian villages. I have been saying for years that given the radical Islamists’ proclivity for murdering innocent Christians, shouldn’t the cult simply be banned?

This is rich! Barack Hussein is receiving an award for ethics in government. Not kidding! There are people that blind.

The University of Illinois is presenting an ethics in government award to Barack Hussein, which is akin to presenting an award for culinary excellence to Jeffrey Dahmer. 

Over 100 conservative Facebook employees (yeah I know, who knew?) join employee message board to protest the company’s “intolerant” liberal culture

To shamelessly invoke a pair of apropos cliches, the Clinton/Obama onion is being peeled and the worm is turning. We are witness daily to revelations involving the nefarious swamp rats that would have been considered treason or seditious conspiracy in any other time in our nation’s history.

Roger Stone says that Donald Trump, Jr. will be arrested and charged very soon by Robert Mueller

“The special counsel is going to charge Donald Trump Jr. with lying to the FBI. Notice they’re not charging him for having an illegal meeting with a Russian at Trump Tower because there’s nothing illegal about that meeting.”

Hilarious video! Gilbert Gottfried pokes fun at the NFL for its stupidity in dealing with the kneeling issue

Brainstorming future distractions from concussions, Gottfried’s character proposes prayer rugs in the endzones for Muslim players who score touchdowns, banking on the public outrage to be so great it will take even more attention away from concussions.

VIDEO: Fox News interview of President Trump. Obvious takeaway – fire Sessions NOW! He has become a national security risk

However, urgency may require Sessions be fired immediately for allowing Mueller and Rosenstein to lead DOJ and the country into the deep, dark abyss from which we are likely to never recover, making Sessions’ continued presence at DOJ a national security risk.

There, but for the grace of God, goes us. German nurse describes the danger and stupidity of the open borders policy that has allowed Europe to be overrun

If you are among the bleeding heart liberals who believe the United States should have no borders or immigration control and that President Trump is a hateful racist for wanting to preserve America for Americans, please read this message from a German nurse who is sick of Europe being overrun.

Former Clinton staffer voices his disgust at the treatment of President Trump, claiming there was no campaign violation by Trump but plenty by Hitlery

There was no there there. There was no crime. Paying a hooker out of your own money is not a campaign finance violation. Yet, Mueller proceeds and Sessions looks the other way.

Michael Cohen has copped a plea, agreeing to a prison term of 3 to 5 years. Here are the charges that Cohen is pleading guilty to

It looks like the government has Michael Cohen dead to rights on two charges, tax fraud and making false statements to a financial institution. I say “dead to rights” because he has accepted 3 to 5 years in prison rather than fight the charges.

Feel good video of the week. Watch this young patriot sing the Star-Spangled Banner with all his tiny heart

With all of the negativity and America-hatred we see today in and from the mainstream media, it is beyond refreshing to see a young patriot like Garrett unashamed to love his country and show it. My faith in the next generation is restored.

AUDIO: Cuban immigrant calls Dr. Gorka’s radio show fearing for President Trump’s life. Every liberal should hear Dr. Gorka’s reply and soapbox soliloquy

Rather than cherishing and understanding their freedom to be blind and clueless as a miraculous gift from a nation whose founders established that nation upon the principle and ideal of individual liberty, liberals endeavor to use that precious liberty as a club to kill that nation, that Constitution.

Two young liberals set out on a global bike tour to prove that all humans are good and kind and decent. ISIS butchered them on the side of the road in Tajikistan

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented.”

Leftist goons protest outside White House, declare they would kill President Trump if given the chance. When is Sessions going to prosecute these thugs?

The threats of physical harm to the President of the United States, and especially the threats of murdering the President, should be dealt with harshly. Otherwise, the violent rhetoric from the left will continue to ratchet up until someone is in fact killed.

NYC Fuhrer de Blasio wants to unify America by shutting down Fox News. You know, like Hitler unified Germany

New York City Fuhrer Bill de Blasio wants to shut down Fox News so that the country will become more unified, you know, like Hitler silenced his opposition press to unify Germany around the idea of genocide. Yeah, like that.

West Hollywood City Council votes to remove Trump star permanently. Mayor gloats on Twitter. The responses are not kind

Most of the Twitter responses blasted the mayor for his over the top fascism, totally in character with the liberal ideology which laughingly claims the mantle of love, acceptance, tolerance, and inclusiveness. Yeah, right!

VIDEO: Somber tribute to American hero Loyce Deen. Be sure to have a box of tissues within reach

As we watch sadly and silently the ignorance and antics of the left today, especially the clueless youth in organizations like Antifa, we can take comfort in the knowledge that they are simply exercising their rights, rights they take for granted, rights paid for with the blood of American heroes like Loyce Deen.

Candace Owens’ Twitter account was suspended. Twitter forced to apologize and restore the account after massive social media backlash

“My point in tweeting that and replacing the word with black and Jewish yesterday was to show how different that mentality is when you see it in that context and you see talking about Jewish people and predisposed to burning under the sun or black people saying they should live underground.”

VIDEO: Before and after transformation of a Never Trumper who attended one Trump rally and is now all aboard the Trump Train

THIS is what keeps liberal weenies awake all night in a cold sweat! They see Never Trumpers who openly don’t like President Trump or, at best, are on the fence, and voila! they attend one Trump rally and suddenly they are singing God Bless America.

Don Lemon/LeBron James interview. Both attack President Trump, who defends himself, which makes Trump a racist according to Dan Rather. Not kidding!

As noted, after watching this video of two of the most divisive and ignorant people I have seen in life, I came away only angry. So, if you will excuse me, I must retire to my workshop to devour a box of nails.

Beauteous! US Ambassador to Germany stopped Iran from withdrawing $400 million in cash from a German bank. Now, return it to the US, where it came from

Extremely well done, Mr. Ambassador. Now, kindly convince Frau Merkel and the bank to return the money to We the People in return for the first cash payment traitor Barack Hussein made to the Islamic nutjobs, which, coincidentally, was very close to that exact same amount.

VIDEO: “This is the month of blood, the mullahs will be overthrown,” shout Iranian protesters across Iran for the Islamic nation’s collapsing economy

“Iran’s people blame the regime and no one else for the economic failure.” In Ahvaz, they are shouting, “Our enemy is right here. They are lying when they say it’s America.”

LOL! Chris Matthews tweets that President Trump is “frantic.” The Twitter responses are not kind and gentle!

I’m not seeing anything frantic at all in the president’s behavior. On the contrary, he seems to be very relaxed, calm, collected, jovial, and definitely at peace with where he is and who he is, unlike Mr. Matthews, who, if I can think of one word that best describes his on-air desperate tirades, it would be “frantic.”

VIDEO: Shocking good fun watching liberal weenies attempt to steal electrified Trump yard signs. One takes a leak on a sign, then bends over in pain, holding his aching member

Photo, above: Orlando Trump-hater attempts to steal a Trump yard sign from his neighbor’s yard, only to be shocked by the inhospitality of his neighbor, who not only electrified the sign but also videotaped the attempted theft, then had the would-be thief arrested and charged with trespassing.

VIDEO: “CNN SUCKS!” screams the crowd of patriots to Jim Acosta, completely drowning out the fake news artist at President Trump’s Tampa rally

Watch the video, below, as Acosta is accosted, pun intended, by a crowd of thousands who shout over the purveyor of fake news, “CNN SUCKS!”

Though we all joke about Trump Derangement Syndrome, therapists have determined it is real, renaming it “Trump Anxiety Disorder.” Not kidding!

We the People, otherwise known collectively and individually as patriots, have been much amused by the wailing and whining of the liberal weenies as they drop to their knees and commence bawling like two-year-olds and swear empty promises to leave America forever. 

VIDEO: Boatload of illegal African migrants storms Spanish nude beach and disappears into surrounding forest before police could capture them

As Europe hurtles forward, ever closer to the point of no return, political correctness rules and the people of the once culturally-rich continent are sacrificing their children’s futures rather than risk being called racists.  Great decision!

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones announced a few days ago that there will be no kneeling for the national anthem. His black QB backs him 100%

If not for patriotic reasons, then owners should not be so stupid that they can’t see the looming big picture commercial disaster that there was just a hint of last year. It can and will get a lot worse if owners continue to allow a handful of morons, kneeling like $10 hookers, to manage their teams, their business and their fortunes.

VIDEO: Ties found between FBI and flaming liberal hate group Southern Poverty Law Center, which listed Ben Carson on its “extremist watch list”

For example, SPLC does not list Antifa as an extremist group. Really? Yet, they do consider Ben Carson a flaming extremist. And, as unbelievable as it may sound, SPLC does not list Black Lives Matter, responsible for inciting mass murder, as an extremist group.

Liberal weenies from sea to shining sea prepare for mass suicide as US GDP exceeds 4%, patriots party, and President Trump gets the credit

Sure as the rest of the country is celebrating the great news, the usual suspect liberal weenies have been quick to suggest that the good news is nothing, it is meaningless, looking for any opportunity to pee in the punchbowl.