The biggest news is that CNN was there, all ready for the big production, and reported the entire ordeal. CNN was the only news organization present (my apologies for using “CNN” and “news organization” in the same sentence).
The biggest news is that CNN was there, all ready for the big production, and reported the entire ordeal. CNN was the only news organization present (my apologies for using “CNN” and “news organization” in the same sentence).
The most recent development in Mueller’s wild goose chase is George Papadopoulos being sentenced to 14 days for lying to the FBI, the sentencing judge clearly sending the message to Mueller and the left that their witch hunt is a sad joke.
“The special counsel is going to charge Donald Trump Jr. with lying to the FBI. Notice they’re not charging him for having an illegal meeting with a Russian at Trump Tower because there’s nothing illegal about that meeting.”
However, urgency may require Sessions be fired immediately for allowing Mueller and Rosenstein to lead DOJ and the country into the deep, dark abyss from which we are likely to never recover, making Sessions’ continued presence at DOJ a national security risk.
There was no there there. There was no crime. Paying a hooker out of your own money is not a campaign finance violation. Yet, Mueller proceeds and Sessions looks the other way.
It looks like the government has Michael Cohen dead to rights on two charges, tax fraud and making false statements to a financial institution. I say “dead to rights” because he has accepted 3 to 5 years in prison rather than fight the charges.
One such case was in the spotlight today. Michael Caputo, former aide to President Trump, has lost his home and his children’s futures have been negatively impacted, all to please congressional Democrats who can’t seem to let the Russian collusion fairy tale go.
Judge Kimba Wood is a flaming liberal, pal to the upper crust of liberal society. She was chosen by Bill Clinton as his Attorney General but withdrew her nomination over a scandal. She is also the judge who officiated the wedding of George Soros. But, nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
President Trump should shut the bureau down until it can be rebuilt into a legitimate, law enforcement agency, not an official enforcement branch of the Democrat Party, which is how the KKK got its start, as an enforcement branch of the Democrat Party.
Devin Nunes let loose on Fox News with Sean Hannity, clearly upset at the lack of mainstream media coverage of the criminal enterprise we know as the Democrat Party in its illegal spying of the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential race.
Another nail is Mueller’s coffin. After a year-long investigation into collusion between President Trump and Russia, the House Intelligence Committee has concluded that there was no collusion whatsoever.
As if all of this evidence weren’t enough, consider the fact that the judge in the sentencing of Flynn has ordered Mueller to turn over all exculpatory evidence against Flynn to be turned over, indicating that he too believes there are egregious flaws in the FBI’s case against Flynn.
George Stephanopoulos tried as hard as he could to smear Russia all over Carter Page in an interview on Good Morning America Tuesday. The Clinton-operative-turned-morning-show-host attempted to pin all manner of Russian ties to Page, the obvious strategy being to then […]
The following video is half an hour long but is chock full of details never before reported regarding the nuts and bolts of the conspiracy by nefarious leftwingers from Barack Hussein to senior officials at DOJ and FBI to private contractors, all conspiring to frame candidate and then President Trump and remove him from office.
What has been widely suspected is now confirmed by Congressman Devin Nunes who says he has seen evidence that clearly shows “abuse” of government surveillance programs by both the FBI and DOJ.
Diane Feinstein announced Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press that congressional Democrats are now trying to build a case of obstruction of justice against President Trump for his firing of James Comey, which the President has every right and all the authority to do.
Mike Flynn is the latest to be charged by Mueller, for “lying to the FBI” about conversations Flynn had with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. He may not have remembered something correctly. He may have said they were talking about professional ice hockey when it was really Olympic ice hockey. He may have said he had Ranch dressing on his salad when a restaurant receipt proves it was Blue Cheese dressing.
“You will have to declare that you have broken Hillory Clinton’s mailbox for D. Trump on the orders of V. Putin, you must agree to extradition to the USA, here we will remove all the charges we will give you Apartment and money, American citizenship.”
The Russian fairy tale has finally reached The End. I hope I’m not premature in saying that and some snoop doesn’t find yet an empty bottle of Russian salad dressing in the White House trash and the fairy tale survives yet another week.
President Trump’s lawyers and aides are scouring the professional and political backgrounds of investigators hired by special counsel Robert Mueller.
“Caputo’s history in Russia dates to 1994…. “I was sent there by the Clinton administration to meddle in their elections.”
The tangled web of Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya is being unwoven, strand by strand, and it is full of foaming-at-the-mouth partisan Democrats.
I hope Jeff Sessions is all over this. I don’t think it would be very difficult to get to the truth. We know who the players are. Now, we just have to find out who sent them, as if it isn’t obvious!
Even IF Don Trump, Jr. is guilty of what the foaming-at-the-mouth liberal weenies are accusing him of, and there is ZERO evidence of that, he committed no crime.
Fast forward a year and the Democrats are firing what I hope is their last pitiful bullet, one last ditch effort to join Trump and Putin at the hip. They have NOTHING here.
Now the real story is coming out and it does not look good for the Democrat Party, which I have been saying for a year is dead. They just don’t know it yet.
Most of us simply shake our heads at the foolishness and move on with our lives. Not this guy! Kyle Courtney of Boerne, Texas is letting the world know how he feels about the Democrat circus.
House Democrats will not be happy until they find something that isn’t there and impeach President Trump for it. They aim to invent anything they can to take down this sitting President.
Uh-oh! The old adage, “Watch what you ask for, you just might get it” is ringing true in the ears of beltway Democrats lately.
The records relating to Susan Rice’s unmasking of Trump campaign officials have been shipped off to the Obama Library, where they are sealed and unavailable to the public for five years.