Liberal weenies from sea to shining sea prepare for mass suicide as US GDP exceeds 4%, patriots party, and President Trump gets the credit

Sure as the rest of the country is celebrating the great news, the usual suspect liberal weenies have been quick to suggest that the good news is nothing, it is meaningless, looking for any opportunity to pee in the punchbowl.

Remember liberal weenies insisting that you can’t cut taxes and expect more tax revenue? April was the biggest tax haul month for the federal government EVER!

April was the biggest federal government tax haul in US history with an incredible $218 billion surplus, shocking all economic forecasters and pundits.

Promises kept, records set: President Trump’s first 200 days

From Wall Street to Main Street, it is clear that Donald Trump is good for America. He is keeping his promises, notwithstanding the obstruction that Congress (you are not blameless, Republicans!), federal judges usurping executive authority, and a complicit media have thrown in his way.

BOOM! The jobs numbers are in and like it or not liberal weenies, America is being made great again, with you kicking and screaming all the way

Like the five-year-old brat who has to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the amusement park, has a fantastic time, then pouts all the way home, liberal weenies are sure to be dismayed by the awesome jobs numbers coming out of Washington today.

The Trump Effect! US GDP exceeds $19 trillion for the first time in history

It isn’t rocket science. All you have to do to make the economy grow is give it a reason to, like reduced taxes, both personal and corporate, a business-friendly government, and reduced regulation, all which increase market confidence and convince employers to grow and hire again. Donald Trump has done and is doing that.

Another depressing symptom of the current US economy – the disappearing American male worker. Shocking numbers!

By Thomas Madison For those who had the stomach to listen to The One’s recent State of the Union Fantasy I’m sure you enjoyed the smorgasbord of delusional optimism and personal vanity. We were told how incredibly well we are doing, […]

The Department of Bullsh!t, Lies, and Sham (BLS) has published February’s employment report. Very funny!

Hallelujah! – Unemployment Plunges Due to 354,000 Americans Leaving the Workforce By James Quinn,  The Burning Platform, via The Daily Sheeple This shit is almost too funny to read. The Bureau of Lies & Scams (BLS) just issued their seasonally […]

To Obama voters…. DAMN YOU!! Look what you have done! To Congress…. DAMN YOU!! for letting Obama do this! Our children will pay!

Obamanomics…. From Darrell Issa President Obama has added more to the National Debt in six years than all of these men did in 219 years. It’s a fact made worse by HOW he has spent it. In 1984, Ronald Reagan […]