VIDEO: Honduran caravan, 4,000-strong, storms across Mexican border en route to the US, Mexican police arrest caravan leader

Mexican authorities made a show of force Thursday as two jetliners filled with riot police and Federales confronted the 4,000-migrant caravan at the Mexico-Guatemala border.

VIDEO: More lies and fake news from CNN, deliberately misquoting President Trump to paint him as a racist

Hill, Cabrera’s guest, didn’t skip a beat, pouncing on the racist narrative, playing along with the “white” lie, declaring President Trump guilty of “racial tribalism” and “closing ranks around whiteness.” 

Judge throws Stormy Daniels’ lawsuit out, ordering her to pay President Trump’s legal fees. He calls her “Horseface,” sending the MSM into convulsions

Calling Stormy Daniels “Horseface,” President Trump lit up Twitter today with a scalding rebuke of the professional whore and gold digger after a federal judge threw out Daniels’ lawsuit against President Trump and ordered her to pay his legal fees

Fascistbook has banned Powdered Wig Society and Thomas Madison, as well as hundreds of other conservative publishers

With the regular admonition always comes some form of punishment from outright suspension of an account to restrictions that typically involve not being permitted to post to our own pages or groups, a purgatory-like state we repeat offenders (Siliconspeak for “conservatives”) refer to as “Facebook jail.” 

Is the Wicked Witch of Benghazi calling for even more violence against Republicans? Sure sounds like it in this video

Appearing on CNN, appropriately nicknamed the Clinton News Network, Slick Willie’s bride claims that it is not possible to be civil with Republicans, which sounds like an incitement for crackpot liberals, anarchists, and scumbags like Antifa to keep doing what they are doing.

Alaska GOP considering throwing Lisa Murkowski out of the party for her ‘no’ vote on Kavanaugh. Palin thinking of running for the seat in 2022

Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock says the committee could decide to issue a statement. Or he says it could withdraw support of Murkowski, encourage party officials to look for a replacement and ask that she not seek re-election as a Republican.

James Woods is back on Twitter and the world will never be the same. As funny and patriotic as ever!

It appears Woods won the match and his Twitter account has been restored. He’s been on a tear ever since, unapologetically politically incorrect. He has removed the gloves and is bare-knuckling all comers and absolutely cracking me up in the process.

Vegas. Watch UFC fight winner shout out to his homie, Brett Kavanaugh: “Way to go, Special K!” Another: Trump called me, told me to “knock that Russian motherf**ker out!”

Then, Rogan asked him to describe the fight. Lewis replied, “A few hours before the fight, Donald Trump called me and told me I gotta’ knock this Russian motherf**ker out, they make him look bad on the news.”

VIDEO: CNN fake news artist Brian Stelter gets schooled by broadcast legend Ted Koppel. “CNN’s ratings would be in the toilet without Trump!”

President Trump is not shy about calling CNN out as a fake news organization, even refusing to take questions from CNN correspondents at press conferences. He routinely smacks down CNN’s whiny Jim Acosta and seems to enjoy watching Acosta embarrass himself publicly.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin may be America’s hero Saturday, breaking party lines to vote “yes” to advance Kavanaugh confirmation vote

Joe Manchin may be America’s hero Saturday morning. He broke party lines Friday morning in a Senate vote to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote to the Senate floor, scheduled for Saturday. The vote went along party lines, with one defection for each party.

The LA baseball bat murderer has been caught. He is an illegal immigrant who has been deported 7 times. Build the damned wall already!

Suspected of two murders in California and another attempted murder where the victim has been in a coma since admission to the hospital, seven-time deportee Ramon Escobar is also suspected of several murders in Texas.

VIDEO: CNN’s Camerota tries desperately to get Rick Santorum to say Kavanaugh is a drunk. Instead, he calls her constant attack “bullsh!t”

Rick Santorum is a bible-toting, devout Catholic. So, I was a little shocked at his use of a word one typically associates with a foul substance that male cattle excrete through their exhaust ports.

VIDEO: I’m really liking this new Lindsey Graham guy. Audience boos him for defending Kavanaugh and he hammers them for it

What has gotten into Graham? Once a timid, mealy-mouthed Washington establishment Rino and member of the McCain clique, he has morphed into an assertive, take-no-guff conservative and Maga to the max Trump supporter. I like it!

Breaking Kavanaugh news: FBI will likely complete its investigation Tuesday, McConnell promises confirmation WILL be voted on this week

It was announced Monday morning that the FBI investigation into the allegations of sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh may be completed as early as Tuesday. It is believed that their investigation will be limited to confirmations from witnesses that their already-sworn statements are accurate and truthful.

Sex crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford has written a letter to the Senate completely exonerating Kavanaugh

Mitchell also made it clear in her letter to the Committee that because of the many discrepancies, the refutals by all four witnesses named by Ford, and the complete lack of evidence that no “reasonable (sane) prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence before the Committee.”

VIDEO: Very confusing message coming from Mitch McConnell. Can you tell exactly what he means by this?

The Democrats will never give up. They will lie, they will cheat, they will steal to get what they want. The party’s history, from its beginning, bears that out. If the Republicans don’t take control of this circus, the Democrats will continue to control it and the result will be disastrous for the Kavanaughs, the Republicans, and the country.

Kavanaugh update: Game, set, match! He has the votes, will be confirmed Friday, 9:30 AM. Lindsey Graham goes off. President Trump chimes in

I have really grown to like Lindsey Graham lately. Gone is any hint of his McCain clique Rino days. He is now a MAGA-to-the-max patriot, and I love it! Watch Graham, in the video below, explode at the Senate Democrats responsible for their engineered plot to destroy Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh’s young daughters have received multiple “serious death threats,” yet the MSM is still all about poor ‘victim’ Christine Ford

There are now multiple reports that “serious death threats” have been made targeting Brett Kavanaugh’s young daughters. Did anyone ever think the Democrats would stoop that low? Or the better question is did anyone ever doubt that they were capable of it?

ALL four witnesses Christine Ford has named now deny her story and deny that the party ever took place, declaring Ford is wrong, i.e., LYING!

What on Earth is it going to take to dismiss this cruel joke the Democrats are playing on Brett Kavanaugh and the American people? ALL four witnesses Christine Ford has named are now denying her story and insisting that no such party ever even took place.

VIDEO: Project Veritas makes a sickening discovery, communists within our government who spend time at work every day to destroy America

All I could think about while watching this parasite enjoy a nice lunch as he told the undercover reporter how much he screws America, gets away with it, and enjoys it was I am paying for that lunch and I am REEEEEAL pissed off about that!

Whoa! Turns out Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser is a leftist CA professor who donates to Democrats and liberal causes.

As it turns out, Christine Blasey is little more than a political hack, a leftist California professor who donates to Democrats and liberal causes. Yet, the Democrats in Congress are presenting her as a  poor, nonpartisan Me Too victim of male sexual abuse. 

VIDEO: Just one more reason I’m proud to be a Texan! Texas Board of Education votes to remove Hitlery Clinton from textbooks

Hitlery should never be mentioned as First Lady, Senator, or Secretary of State. She should only be referred to as the Wicked Witch of Benghazi, Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife, or as Gitmo inmate #so-and-so.

We all know television news is crap, right? Watch this hurricane reporter pretend he can barely stand when two boys casually walk through his broadcast

Mainstream television news is crap. We all know that. They exaggerate, they twist, they report out of context, they outright lie to make whatever it is they are reporting appear to be a life or death crisis…. all for money.

Hilarious SNL skit – liberal weenie researchers teach a dog to talk. He tells them how much he loves Trump and why. Their heads explode!

I must have watched this video ten times today and laughed harder each time, especially at the 3:10 mark when Max points out his owner’s hypocrisy on abortion.

VIDEO: 25 straight minutes of heavily armed illegals on horseback and drug mules strolling across our border without interference

At various points in the video, heavily armed illegals on horseback cross the border via Chilton’s ranch. These are not poor, downtrodden Mexican nationals unable to find work at home. They are fully employed, an organized paramilitary outfit.

Sending a clear signal to Mueller and the left that their witch hunt is a joke, judge sentences Papadopoulos to 14 days in jail for lying to the FBI

The most recent development in Mueller’s wild goose chase is George Papadopoulos being sentenced to 14 days for lying to the FBI, the sentencing judge clearly sending the message to Mueller and the left that their witch hunt is a sad joke.

New York Times refuses to identify White House “anonymous source,” a matter of grave national security. So, lock them all up until they do

Every single employee of the New York Fake News Times who knows the identity of the “anonymous source” and is refusing to reveal it is complicit and themselves guilty of seditious conspiracy, in my opinion. Lock them all up!

VIDEO and pics: Three Texas docs see Kavanaugh protesters paid from a bag of cash and instructed to “yell, scream, and even possibly get arrested”

“And, they were actually told, we heard them say this and instruct them, ‘when you go in, we want you to yell, to scream, and even to possibly get arrested.’ So, that was some of the process that we saw happening.”

VIDEO: Democrat senators and paid protesters disrupt Kavanaugh hearing with shameful spectacle, trying to shut it down. It didn’t work

Of course, what they were really after was stalling Kavanaugh’s confirmation until after the midterm elections when they could vote down confirmation, given that they retake the Senate majority, a prospect the hopes of which appear dimmer by the day.

VIDEO: Meghan McCain uses dad’s funeral to bash President Trump, joining the leftist elites in turning Songbird McCain’s funeral into a Trump hatefest

No further evidence is needed of the left’s hatred for the long-awaited patriot and conservative who now occupies the White House. Even McCain’s daughter, Meghan, used her father’s funeral as an opportunity to attack the President of the United States.