More winning!
The good news is the Republican Party of Alaska is considering throwing Lisa Murkowski out of the party for her ‘no’ vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
The really good news is Sarah Palin is considering running for Murkowski’s seat in 2022. Palin would be a tremendous addition to the Senate, a solid patriot replacing another wasted Rino.
My question is if Murkowski is thrown out of the Republican Party, will she join the Democrat Party or become an independent? Either way, I see no way should could beat Sarah Palin, no matter what party she is in.
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JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — “Alaska Republican party leaders plan to consider whether to reprimand U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski for opposing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
The party has asked Murkowski to provide any information she might want its state central committee to consider.
Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock says the committee could decide to issue a statement. Or he says it could withdraw support of Murkowski, encourage party officials to look for a replacement and ask that she not seek re-election as a Republican.
He says the party took that more extreme step previously with state legislators who caucused with Democrats.
He says all this follows outrage from Alaska Republicans.
Murkowski told reporters that if she worried about political repercussions she wouldn’t be able to do the job Alaskans expect her to do.”
Hey @LisaMurkowski – I can see 2022 from my house…
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) October 5, 2018
YES! Run, Sarah, Run! You will be a shoo-in after Murkowski stepped in it with her 'no' vote on Kavanaugh (I wonder how much Soros paid her for that). The GOP is actually considering throwing her out of the party. America needs a patriot in that seat, not a Rino like Murkowski.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) October 9, 2018
Hey, look, everyone, a raging moron!
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) October 9, 2018
How is Sarah's family any of your business? You tend to your family, I'll tend to mine, and Sarah can tend to hers.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) October 9, 2018
Dear Senator Murkowski,
American women (men too) would LOVE to see Sarah Palin in the US Senate.
Although I don’t live in Alaska, I will campaign against you with the ferocity of a Mama Grissly & a Hockey Mom.
(who voted for Sarah not McCain)— 𝐂𝐂 (@ChatByCC) October 5, 2018
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