The Congressional Black Caucus is fired up! They are demanding that Loretta Lynch crack down on local police departments.
The Congressional Black Caucus is fired up! They are demanding that Loretta Lynch crack down on local police departments.
If you have ever watched CNN, then you know how it got its nickname, Clinton News Network. To call CNN a liberal shill is an understatement.
Didn’t I tell you? Barack Hussein is nothing more than a worthless parasite, whose only purpose in life is to suck the life out of others
Now, how angry would you be if you suddenly discovered that our Muslim-in-Chief actually sent Iran $33.6 billion, not $1.7 billion?
“If you’re in the United States, sometimes you can feel lazy and think we’re so big we don’t have to really know anything.”
Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe came up with a great idea. He challenged Hussein to prove that he is NOT the son of a whore
Why such harsh language, Rod? All Barack is trying to do is lead you around by your nose.
Maybe I am naive, but isn’t it obvious? The Treasury Department prints money, US dollars. The Treasury Department is part of the Executive Branch. Guess who the Secretary of the Treasury takes his orders from? The President of the United States.
‘Bout damned time! One of the more respected military minds in Washington is calling Barack Hussein’s actions regarding the Middle East “treasonous!”
How much longer must we put up with this worthless asshole? The answer is 153 days, until January 20, 2017. Let us pray that Donald Trump will be inaugurated that same day.
I am sooooooo sick of the tired refrain that Barack Hussein has accomplished nothing in his presidency. Spending ten trillion dollars is hard work!
This is NOT just one more SNAFU by an incompetent leader. It is a deliberate, criminal attempt to pay terrorists bent upon the murder of every Jew on the planet.
The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran
This presidential directive, permits, for the first time in history, the UN and the United States Armed Forces to use force against American citizens on US soil.
THIS is what Hussein is shoving down the throats of We the People, and what we have voluntarily permitted to be forced upon our children, who will inherit this painfully depressing tyranny.
Not surprisingly, President Obama used this “bully pulpit” to return to his favorite themes of racism, discrimination and police brutality. At one point, it really felt as though he was justifying the Dallas attack.
A snapshot of Barack Hussein’s agenda….
Campaigning for his favorite criminal bobblehead, Barack Hussein thought he would show his lady-in-waiting how to ad lib before a group of trained seals brain-dead liberal wastes of flesh.
One of the guns used in the Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally
No one doubts that gays have the same rights as heterosexuals. They have always had the same rights. But a gay bar as a national monument? Really?
The legacy of Barack Hussein.
The total emasculation of our Armed Forces
Our incredibly articulate and eloquent Teleprompter Reader-in-Chief, Barack Hussein, attempted an ad lib attack on Donald Trump.
How on earth is it possible for our young heroes in combat to find themselves in prison for defending their lives and the lives of their fellow soldiers from enemy combatants? Barack Hussein has been doing exactly that. While releasing […]
By Thomas Madison Watch this British reporter call out Barack Hussein for meddling in British affairs, regarding the recent controversy over whether or not Britain should remain a member of the EU. Hussein and his British clone, Prime Minister David […]
By Thomas Madison I received this message Saturday in an email from Colonel Harry Riley, organizer of Operation American Spring. I was asked to not publish it until this morning. Finally! This week the US House of Representatives will establish […]
By Thomas Madison This is beyond unbelievable! Iran is the most dangerous terrorist state on the planet. Barack Hussein just released $40 billion in frozen assets to the Islamic republic that vows daily to destroy Israel and the United States. […]
By Thomas Madison Preface: This is satire, folks, as in A JOKE! Please, no nasty letters telling me that this is a lie, Barack Hussein never signed any such thing. From Stubhill News In a sweeping move, President Obama has […]
Photo, above: Two of the cockroaches suspected in the gang-rape By Thomas Madison An armed (imagine that!) group of young punks gang-raped an 18-year old girl in a New York City park, ordering her father to leave the area, which […]
By Thomas Madison Former Navy admiral and current State Department spokesman, as well as Barack Hussein lapdog, John Kirby, clearly demonstrates that the Hussein administration is delusional and has no plans to do anything about a nuclear North Korea, which […]