Barack Hussein, in violation of congressional directive, presented the Palestinian Authority with a parting gift of $221 million. What check and balance?
Barack Hussein, in violation of congressional directive, presented the Palestinian Authority with a parting gift of $221 million. What check and balance?
Of presidents who served since and including Truman, Hussein had a higher approval rating of only three presidents, Carter, Truman, and Ford, ranking our former Golfer-in-Chief ninth out of 12, according to Gallup.
Barack Hussein is unbelievably proud of his great accomplishments as President of the United States. Whether he is actually that delusional or he is lying I am not sure. I suspect a rich mixture of each.
With the American embassy in Moscow as a backdrop, this group of art students known as the “Federals” have a special farewell message for Barack Hussein.
Hmmm, who shall I bomb today? Libya? Syria? Russia? Lichtenstein?
Check out Barack Hussein’s report card according to “American adults,” via Gallup. Gays fared fairy well under our fabulous Rainbow-in-Chief. Everyone else, not so much.
Everyone knows what a vain narcissist our three-days-left president is. It just seems like he would want to go out on a high note, letting the spotlight shine on someone else for a change.
Barack Hussein is busy with one more sales job before leaving the White House, convincing We the People that his eight years at the helm have been a glowing success.
During his roughly 50-minute speech, lame duck Hussein mentioned himself 79 times, proving that clearly the past eight years has been about himself, not the American people.
Barack Hussein has lived in a self-built bubble of delusion for eight years. He actually believes that he has been a great president. Somewhere Jimmy Carter is laughing his ass off.
Asked if Israel can expect any more surprises before January 20, Obama avoided the question, saying that “the question is whether he [Netanyahu] will sleep better after January 20th.”
Whether he inflicted that misery by accident or by design, Hussein will be remembered as the worst president in American history, without a close second, and for that Jimmy Carter is grateful.
“We’re going someplace warm. See ya.” Sounds like Hawaii, a frequent vacation destination of the Obama family, but who knows? Who cares! Just go away already!
Completely out of touch for the past eight years, Democrats are now getting a taste of the medicine they have been pouring down the throats of We the People since the coronation of Barack Hussein.
Whether it is an epiphany or standard liberal hypocrisy, Barrack Hussein gets it. He is proving Trump right, that a wall can provide real security. And you thought he was stupid.
The Democrat Party, or what is left of it, is all about preserving Barack Hussein’s legacy. It’s like putting whipped cream on a steaming pile of doggie doo.
After Barack Hussein’s provocative maneuver to embarrass Russia by deporting 35 of its diplomats for hacking the election, which actually never happened, Vladimir Putin is seeing through the bullshit. He is laughing at Hussein and punking him royally by announcing […]
The Democrat Party, led by Barack Hussein, is imploding, and I love it! THAT is your legacy, Hussein. You have made the Republican Party stronger than ever. Nice job!
From deporting Russian diplomats to leading a campaign in the feckless UN to punish and condemn Israel, butthurt Barack is showing his true whiny-ass, petulant colors.
You have three weeks left to cause as much damage as you can, Barack. Go for it! It will all be reversed by the REAL man who is about to take your place. Go the hell away!
Our Fraud-in-Chief will not be satisfied until the per capita income and standard of living of Zimbabwe and the United States are equalized. And he is saying this right to your face.
The global political grapevine is abuzz with speculation, anticipating one final Barack Hussein slap to the face of Netanyahu and Israel, and wondering what form it will take.
Merry Christmas and a big “FU” from Barack Hussein, who quietly and cowardly on Friday signed into law a clear attempt to kill Powdered Wig and sites like it in the alt media.
The Democrat Party has gone the way of the Whig Party and the Wooly Mammoth. Good riddance!
Enjoy your multi-million dollar beach house, Barack, and remember, you will always appear as nothing more than an embarrassing skid mark on the pages of history.
Perfect! To cement his legacy in the basement of presidential history Barack Hussein chose fake news rag Rolling Stone for his 11th hour interview
The fact that the terrorist was likely connected to and/or inspired by ISIS is purely coincidental, you see. Yes, the first I in ISIS does stand for “Islamic.” Just another coincidence. Fuhget about it!
During this, his lame duck legacy/farewell tour, Barack Hussein today finds himself in Lima, Peru, at the APEC conference, where he was met by protesters being restrained by police.
For a guy who was raised by white women, after his black father abandoned the family, Barack Obama sure has a lot of animosity toward white people.
Trump has sided with the sovereignty of the American people against international elites yet again.