Latest Project Veritas video: DNC/Hitlery operative schemes to get male Trump supporters (DNC actors) to verbally abuse and assault women at a Trump rally

In the latest Project Veritas election fraud video, a DNC/Hitlery operative is scheming to get male Trump supporters (DNC plants) to bully, verbally abuse, and assault women at a Trump rally.

Donald Trump has jumped to a 3% post-debate lead over the Wicked Witch of Benghazi in the latest Rasmussen poll

The Donald has 43% and Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife 40%, 1/3 of which are stupid, 1/3 of which are corrupt, and 1/3 of which are dead.

VIDEO: Watch the crowd in the background chant, “LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!” as a panel of CNN assclowns describes James O’keefe as a criminal

Watch as Anderson Cooper and his gang of Hitlery trained flying monkeys do all they can, and it is a monumental task, to kiss every square inch of Hitlery’s ample ass.

HITLERY BUSTED! Connecting the dots between a Project Veritas video and an FEC doc places the crosshairs of guilt squarely and personally on Hitlery!

THIS is the smoking gun we have been looking for! Hitlery has been paying scumbags to riot at Trump rallies, where people have been seriously injured, including police officers.

VIDEO: Naked statue of Hillary Clinton in downtown Manhattan causes fight during morning commute

The grotesque caricature of the Democratic candidate appeared outside the Bowling Green station during morning rush hour on Tuesday and shows Clinton with hoofed feet.

VIDEO: Hitlery’s Sep 7 screaming, cursing meltdown after the first debate described in detail. She went bugf*ck because Laurer asked her an unapproved question

No doubt Hitlery is running for her life. At one point in her backstage rage regarding Donald Trump, the Wicked Witch screamed, “If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!”

A video everyone should see of massive Democrat criminality: “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say. We need to win this motherfu**er!”

Hitlery soldier Scott Foval: “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say. We need to win this motherfu**er!”

VIDEO: “Voter fraud is a vast right wing fantasy,” the Democrats said. “There is NO voter fraud,” they said. Pew Research has determined the real number and it is shocking!

According to Pew’s calculations, “approximately 24 million registration records, or nearly 13 percent of the national total, are estimated to be inaccurate or no longer valid.”

WikiLeaks has reported that “Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party” in the middle of another document dump

WikiLeaks reported that “Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party.”

Hitlery Hauler: Hitlery Clinton’s custom van is equipped with a bed for day napping, a must for any self-respecting vampire

The Hitlery Hauler is equipped with a rear sofa that converts into a coffin for day napping on the road. Like all blood-sucking vampires, Hitlery prefers to sleep during the day.

Rumors are flying that Julian Assange is dead. Dead man’s keys have been released to unlock previously encrypted messages in the event of an emergency (Assange’s death)

Julian Assange has been risking his life to provide We the People the truth regarding what our miserable excuse for a government is doing behind our backs. God Bless Julian for that.

VIDEO: Eight words that took down the house at a Trump rally.

Trump abandoned the teleprompter and, looking straight ahead at the audience, declared emphatically eight words all American patriots have been saying.

Passenger who was on the flight with Donald Trump confirms that his accuser is lying. “He was present at all times” and affirms that no assault ever took place

Anthony Gilberthorpe was sitting across the aisle from Donald Trump and Jessica Leeds on the flight in question and confirms that no assault or groping took place

Latest WikiLeaks dump: Hitlery staff insults Catholics, Hispanics, southerners, beauty pageant contestants, calls CNN’s Jake Tapper and Bill Richardson “d!cks”

Podesta also referred to Bill Richardson as a “dick,” which is apparently one of Podesta’s favorite words.

Assange is chucking bombshell after bombshell at the Wicked Witch. Two newly released emails implicate Hitlery in the murder of Justice Scalia

Two emails exchanged between Hitlery Chief of Goons John Podesta and Democrat Party soldier Steve Elmendorf are rumored to be a discussion of the assassination of Antonin Scalia.

VIDEO BOMBSHELL! Wow! Anonymous claims that a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13-year old girl is about to be released

The entire US presidential election is nearing an explosive crisis over a secretly made Israeli intelligence video recording showing former President Bill Clinton raping a 13-year old girl.

WikiLeaks leaked Hitlery memo: “Off-the-record” dinner party for Hitlery network news soldiers to receive campaign marching orders. Here is the list of 38. Boycott them all!

List of 38 network news personalities who attended a private, “off-the-record” Manhattan dinner party with Hitlery in April, 2015 to receive their marching orders

From latest WikiLeaks dump: Hitlery’s closest adviser admits that she “hates everyday Americans!”

Newsflash, Mr. Podesta, Hitlery has not just “begun to hate everyday Americans.” She has always hated everyday Americans. In fact, I think she hates everyone, John, even you!

If you plan to vote for Hitlery or are undecided you may want to take a look at her college thesis, which outlines her political philosophy

Hillary Clinton is advocating re-education camps or indoctrination centers for the “people” to bring them up to speed with her Utopian visions.

Tremendous video! Wow! Watch Bill Clinton’s face while Donald Trump discusses Slick’s sexual assault of women who he seated front and center in the audience

“I was doing all my thinking with the little head,” Slick Willie must have been saying to himself over and over as Donald Trump forced him to relive his past of sexual assault

Trump did more than win last night’s debate: He wiped the smirk off Clinton’s face

By Howard Portnoy Last night, moments after the sluggest at Wash. U. — aka, the second 2016 presidential debate — I checked headlines to see what the liberal chattering class had to say. I came across the results of a poll conducted by […]

VIDEO: Punking the press is what The Donald does best! Trump invites the media for a pre-debate photo op, but when they show up they are treated to this….

I’m telling you, the man is a certified genius! Yesterday Donald Trump was gifted a 20-minute anti-Clinton negative campaign ad by a confused press corps just hours before the presidential debate.

VIDEO: The absolutely most epic response in presidential debate history when Hitlery declared it America’s good fortune that Donald Trump is not in charge of our law.

Hitlery: “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump: “Because you’d be in jail.” LMAO!

VIDEO: Painfully reliving her brutal rape by Bill Clinton in 1978, Juanita Broaddrick tearfully describes the excruciating pain that never goes away

Painfully reliving her brutal rape by Bill Clinton nearly four decades ago, Juanita Broaddrick tearfully described for Breitbart the pain and humiliation she felt in 1978 that never goes away.

A list of Hitlery Clinton cursing attacks and verbal abuse of police officers, subordinates, even mentally handicapped children

“Hillary had enough,” Kyle continued…. “‘When are they going to get those f—ing ree-tards out of here?'”

VIDEO: Donald Trump’s response to Hitlery’s latest attack. He is clearly pissed off. Look for the gloves to come off at tomorrow night’s debate!

Hitlery actually has the temerity to accuse Donald Trump of abusing women for remarks he made eleven years ago. She, the cuckquean of the Razorback Rapist! Really?

VIDEO: “The black vote is a given for Democrats,” they said. Not any more! Blacks are fleeing the Democrat plantation, and it is a wonderful thing!

The Wicked Witch of Benghazi cannot possibly win without the minority vote, and it simply will not be there in the numbers she needs to win.

Hillary acts surprised at questions Steve Harvey asks … despite having seen them

A memo leaked by The Washington Free Beacon reveals that questions the Democratic nominee was asked by TV host Steve Harvey on his show had been provided in advance.

BOOM! Assange is publishing docs showing Hitlery in bed with ISIS! He has begun his take down of the Wicked Witch of Benghazi!

Sad. The country should be up in arms over this. Twenty million patriots with pitchforks and torches! Drive the scum out!

How does Clinton’s ‘Stronger Together’ slogan square with her ‘basket of deplorables’ remark?

The nation has now endured eight years of a president hobbled by an us-versus-them mentality. On occasion, he has gone so far as to declare that Republicans are his “enemy”