VIDEO: Hitlery planted a professional child actress in the audience to ask a question about misogynist meanie Donald Trump and how he hates people with vaginas

Hi, Brennan. What a beautiful name, like Walter (howling with laughter at her own joke). I crack myself up! Yes, I feel your pain, because you are so right, I have a vagina.

VIDEO: In August we reported on election fraud in Vegas. A few days ago the same felonies were filmed being committed. Democrats don’t care. They laugh about felonies

Same crime, same location. Even after being caught committing felonies, and having the video go viral, these liberal Democrats absolutely don’t care. They keep doing it and think it is funny.

Donald Trump plans to increase the number of terrorists tried and imprisoned at Guantanamo. Welcome to Gitmo, Hitlery. The halal goat is to die for.

Hopefully the Wicked Witch of Benghazi will acquire a taste for halal goat. I may be wrong but I don’t think Chardonnay is anywhere on the Gitmo carte du jour.

BREAKING BOMBSHELL!! Guccifer 2.0 has hacked the Clinton Foundation’s servers. TARP funds to bail out banks were funneled to Democrat PACS


BOOM! The Donald is leading Hitlery by five points in the latest LA Times national poll

I am praying that this lead does not diminish and the margin only increases, and Donald Trump is ahead by 20+ points the day before Election Day, and it is a landslide victory for Trump

BOMBSHELL! Hillary Clinton proposed a drone strike to take out Julian Assange? The slope is getting more slippery by the minute!

Is it plausible that Hitlery Clinton would suggest such a thing? Of course it is. She is plenty evil enough to command a drone strike against an uncharged private citizen in an allied country

Sen. McCaskill: What Hillary has done for women outweighs nasty name-calling. Really?

So Hillary Clinton called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon.” So what? And so what if she called Gennifer Flowers “a gold digger” and “the daughter of Willie Horton”

VIDEO: Wow! Speaking to Donald Trump, former Haitian Senate President accuses the Clintons of stealing billions of dollars from the 2010 Haitian earthquake victims

Where is the $6 billion that was intended for the poor people of Haiti and was under the direct control of Bill Clinton, the former Haitian Senate President wants to know

Two-minute video: Kimmel and Hitlery. On its surface, hilarious, on another level, creepy, and yet another, alarming in its truth

You see being a criminal means dealing with sleaze. Bribes sound much nicer when you call them speaking fees.

VIDEO: Dinsesh D’Souza blasts the Clintons for their pay-for-play scheme, “selling public policy” which has given them a net worth of over $200 million

“The Clintons are selling public policy, and you have to understand that that’s how they’ve accumulated this enormous personal net worth.”

VIDEO: At a Trump rally Zach, from Kentucky asks The Donald what day in office is he going to put Hitlery in prison. And the crowd went wild!

In other words, “If Hitlery loses this election, her ass is grass and Donald Trump is a lawnmower!”

VIDEO: Flashback: Will the real Hillary Clinton please stand up?

You might not recognize the voice of Mrs. Clinton because she affects a southern accent, which is as unconvincing as the black accent she has used on other occasions.

Liberals hate Christians. A long-established fact, but why? Powdered Wig contributor J J Hall offers an explanation

Liberals hate Christians “because in doing so their own guilt is appeased, their anger is justified, and they can finally lay blame for their own misery at someone else’s feet.”

There was clearly something being removed from Hitery’s podium after the first debate. No less than five operatives involved

It appears that no less than five people were involved in removing evidence of something from Hitlery’s podium at the end of the first debate.

VIDEO: Wow! Little Jebby is encouraging voters to stay home rather than vote for Trump

Little Jebby is encouraging voters to vote for neither candidate, all because he, the anointed GOP establishment candidate, is still a little butthurt over the spanking Trump gave him

VIDEO: Hilarious! Eight Hitlery supporters show up for campaign event, are far outnumbered by Blacks For Trump members and other Trump supporters

Apparently Hitlery received word that not only did her supporters who turned out for the event number in the single digits (8), they were far outnumbered by Trump supporters.

VIDEO: Wow! Hitlery finally draws a three-digit crowd. Wanna’ know why? Because half of them are Trump supporters, there to protest the Wicked Witch. LOL!

Those damned Trumpatriots! Scads of them, whistling and howling and waving Trump signs and hurling the most masterful invective at Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife.

VIDEO: Professional poker player declares that Hitlery and moderator Holt were definitely communicating via hand signals during the debate

“Compelling video evidence shows that Crooked Hillary signaled Lester Holt SIX TIMES with long, drawn-out face scratches that indicated to Holt she wanted to respond.”

Awesome video! This Hitlery ad needs to run many times a day between now and November 8!

This powerful video should be shown all day, every day until November 8. Electing Hillary Clinton will certainly destroy the United States and likely the world. She must be stopped. Vote Trump!

Aussie contributor reinforces the GLOBAL need to elect Donald Trump President of the United States

After the presidential debate featuring nice guy network victim Donald Trump and smug corrupt criminal Hitlery Clinton, I said that “Trump needs to take the gloves off and take control of these spectacles.” He didn’t prevail in the primary by […]

VIDEO: NBC bias disgusting! Hitlery given the questions and answers a week early. No questions on Benghazi, server, Libya, foreign money, etc?

The entire Alphabet Network Club is trash (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN). I don’t watch them. Lester Holt and his corrupt bosses validated my boycott last night.

5 out of 6 post-debate polls wildly in The Donald’s favor. Check them out and vote if you haven’t already

All of the post-debate polling I have seen so far favor Donald Trump heavily. Check these polls and vote if you haven’t already.

VIDEO: The latest Clinton body count entry. Sen. Tom Cotton confirms Hitlery’s incompetence that likely resulted in Shahram Amiri’s death

I so hope Donald Trump or the moderator mentions Shahram Amiri during tonight’s debate and asks Hitlery for an explanation.

Understanding the Times: Why Donald Trump’s support among evangelicals is growing

All that is left for this corrupt administration is to blatantly steal the election to keep out of jail!

Hitlery again cancels an appearance due to what she claims is “pneumonia.” Will she she make it to the debate? Take our poll

The big question today is “Will the Wicked Witch of Benghazi make it to Monday night’s debate?” Take our poll, below, to let us know what you think.

This debate is going to be more fun than the Super Bowl! Donald Trump is seating Slick Willie’s longtime hose, Gennifer Flowers, in the front row

It is possible to be a complete moron and make a billion dollars. Mark Cuban, who supports Hitlery Clinton for president, is living proof!

VIDEO: Describing his pal, Hitlery, Charlie Crist had the audience in the palm of his hand until he said this word and the audience howled. Guess the word

Poor Charlie Crist, poster boy for the Democrat Party. The guy could tear up an anvil with a banana. Before a presumably loyal crowd of fellow Democrats Crist described his good friend, the Wicked Witch of Benghazi, in glowing superlatives, […]

It is being reported that another key witness against Hillary Clinton has died in a car explosion in Canada

It is being reported that another key witness against Hillary Clinton has died in a car explosion. Will update this story as news becomes available.

VIDEO: Hitlery’s campaign is imploding. Watch as her campaign manager cannot answer a single question. He can only chuckle and dodge

Watch as Hitlery’s clueless campaign manager Robby Mook attempts to smile and giggle his way through an MSNBC interview.