Was Ted Cruz running the Hitlery machine in 2011? During the primary season Cruz made special efforts to insult and piss off as many demographic groups as possible, like the time he insulted 20 million New Yorkers, claiming that “New York values” were all about abortion and gay rights.

Hitlery’s inner circle of goons has her campaign on the same path to self-destruction as the Canadian and are hellbent on insulting as many demographic groups as they can running up to the election.

WikiLeaks’ latest email dump has revealed that Hitlery’s staff engaged in the most degrading invective of key demographic groups. The largest group of Americans that Hitlery’s lieutenants insulted in emails they thought would be private forever is Catholics, the largest religious body in the United States at 70 million, a demographic that Hitlery supposedly leads Donald Trump in, and obviously one it would be devastating to lose. The following exchange is between Hitlery staffers John Halpin and Jennifer Palmieri, who Catholic leaders are demanding Hitlery fire.

“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy, John Halpin remarked in one email exchange.

Jennifer Palmieri responded, “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they become evangelicals.”

Stupidity and bad fortune didn’t help Hitlery’s inner circle a bit either. Stupidity in not relying on a more secure email system from which to share their condescending hatred, and bad fortune in the person of Julian Assange who has released another blast of hacked emails which paint Hitlery and her devoted assclowns as bigots and racists, looking down their noses at and insulting the very demographic groups they must carry to win this election.

From The Washington Times

Long before Hillary Clinton called millions of Americans a “basket of deplorables,” her top campaign advisers and liberal allies openly mocked Catholics, Southerners and a host of other groups, according to newly released emails that offer a stunning window into the vitriol inside the Clinton world less than a month before Election Day.

The emails, published by WikiLeaks after a hack of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s private account, also show Clinton campaign officials and Democratic leaders disparaging supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders as “self-righteous” whiners, calling Hispanic party leaders such as Bill Richardson “needy Latinos,” labeling CNN anchor Jake Tapper “a d—k” and even lambasting longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.

The sheer number of insults in the email trove has left the Clinton campaign, along with outside organizations such as the Center for American Progress that were routinely involved in the brutal bad-mouthing, unable or unwilling to respond. Instead, they have blamed the hack on Russia and have refused to even confirm that the emails are genuine, though they also haven’t denied their authenticity.

The Clinton campaign’s biggest problem may be its assault on Catholics. Prominent Catholic organizations called on Clinton campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri to resign after the surfacing of messages showing her making fun of the faith. The campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump seized on the opportunity to appeal to religious voters.

“We call on Hillary Clinton to apologize and to fire the staff who have engaged in this vicious anti-Catholic bigotry. All of this shows who these people are at the core,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told reporters on a conference call. “The American people need to know who they are and their very radical agenda that will be an assault on Catholics and all people of faith and good will.”

The messages in question are part of an April 2011 email discussion between Ms. Palmieri and John Halpin, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, which Mr. Podesta founded.

Mr. Podesta received each message but apparently did not respond.

In the exchange, Mr. Halpin mocks media mogul Rupert Murdoch for raising his children in the Catholic faith and said the most “powerful elements” in the conservative movement are all Catholic.

“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy,” Mr. Halpin said.

“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they become evangelicals,” Ms. Palmieri responded.

“Excellent point,” Mr. Halpin wrote back. “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.”

The advocacy group CatholicVote.org called on the Clinton campaign to fire Ms. Palmieri.

“Hillary Clinton has already called half of her opponents’ supporters ‘a basket of deplorables’ and ‘irredeemable,’ and now it comes out that her campaign spokeswoman dismissively question[ed] the sincerity of Catholic Americans’ faith,” said Brian Burch, the group’s president. “Had Palmieri spoken this way about other groups, she [would be] dismissed. Palmieri must resign immediately or be fired.”

In the exchange, Mr. Halpin mocks media mogul Rupert Murdoch for raising his children in the Catholic faith and said the most “powerful elements” in the conservative movement are all Catholic.

“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy,” Mr. Halpin said.

“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they become evangelicals,” Ms. Palmieri responded.

“Excellent point,” Mr. Halpin wrote back. “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.”

The advocacy group CatholicVote.org called on the Clinton campaign to fire Ms. Palmieri.

Read more at The Washington Times….

Podesta also referred to Bill Richardson as a “dick,” which is apparently one of Podesta’s favorite words.

Staying true to the “equal opportunity” fantasy of the Democrat Party, Hitlery’s staff was eager to include nearly every American in their hateful invective, also insulting Hispanics, southerners, beauty pageant contestants, and a few network news personalities and political figures.