Scummy Cruzbots are running anti-Trump/pro-Hitlery ads in key swing states

Being a lying crybaby is nothing new to the Canadian, and his handful of Cruzbots are still out there, doing what they can

Ben Carson is begging Donald Trump to stop calling Hitlery bad names. With all due respect, Ben, that is what got The Donald to this point

Ben is suggesting that The Donald stop being The Donald and quit call Hitlery names like “bigot.” Sorry, Ben, that is foolish.

VIDEO: Newt Gingrich believes this election is in the bag for Trump. If what he says is true, he is right!

“We haven’t seen 10% of what we’re going to learn in September,” referring to the constant eruption of corrupt scandals spewing from Mt. Clinton.

VIDEO: Niece of MLK diplomatically avoids showing her preference for president, but she couldn’t do it long, praising the Trump platform

“It sounds very promising the plan that Mr. Trump is presenting for the urban communities”

Awesome video! Watch BLM leader praise Donald Trump for reaching out to blacks while slamming Democrats as liars and “pimps”

Watch this Black Lives Matter leader praise Donald Trump for engaging the black community in Milwaukee after the recent BLM violence

Mike Huckabee believes that Hitlery is conceding defeat by whipping out the KKK card. I agree. Trump can clobber her with this one!

Usually a reptile as slimy as Hitlery waits until the end, when all other lies have been exhausted, before whipping out the race card.

VIDEO: Hollywood spoiled brat Will Smith says Trump supporters should be “cleansed” out of our country

The cast of Fox News’ Outnumbered offer their opinions on Smith’s outrageous and inciteful hate speech. Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery had the best opinion of Will Smith.

Brexit hero Nigel Farage appeared with Donald Trump in Jackson, Mississippi last night. “I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me!”

Nigel Farage, the hero of Brexit, endeared the crowd of 15,000 Wednesday night with the same anti-establishment populist language The Donald is famous for.

Is Mexico going to pay for the wall? Damned right! Here is Trump’s simple plan to do it, and Mexican leaders are trembling in their Huaraches

The Donald responded by saying that not only would he build a massive wall, but that he would force Mexico to pay for it. Immediately the talking heads howled with laughter

VIDEO: Liberals are so tolerant and accepting. Watch as they physically assault Trump supporters and attack his motorcade

Watch as the tolerant and accepting liberals physically assault Trump supporters at a Minneapolis fundraising event Friday night, then attack Trump’s motorcade as it leaves the event.

VIDEO: Totally kooked out and ready for the rubber room, Glenn Beck reveals more of his paranoid Trumphate

I used to think Beck just hated Trump for whatever reason. Now I think he is simply two bricks short of a load, certifiably insane, completely kooked out.

VIDEO: Donald Trump visited Louisiana Friday, and the response from those stricken by the disaster was amazing

THIS is how a leader responds to tragedy, and it is apparent in this man’s voice and tears what it means for the leader to show up and simply offer moral support. It is clearly priceless.

VIDEO: The crowd noise and intensity of a Trump rally is more like a rock concert than a political rally

Those I have spoken to who have attended Trump rallies compare the intensity of the event to a rock concert. Check out Mark Kaye’s video, below, capturing the crowd intensity of a Trump rally

VIDEO: Donald Trump is acting presidential already. He and Mike Pence are flying to flood-ravaged Louisiana today to offer their support

Meanwhile, the Wicked Witch of Benghazi is drunk, I mean taking the weekend off to recover from her intense Chardonnay, I mean campaign schedule.

Donald Trump’s recent national security roundtable meeting attests to just how ready he is to take on the job of President. Check out his message to America

This is the recently reported security roundtable briefing/brainstorm session that was conducted by and for Donald Trump at Trump Tower.

Oops! This leaked document from a major polling organization tells a different story. The Donald is killing it!

If you want a poll saying your next door neighbor is an axe murderer and should sell you his house for half the market price, see PPP or one of their polling brethren. They will hook you up for the right price.

Trump’s inner circle shakeup has some Rinos in Congress worried. They should be

The mainstream media nitwits and Rinos are wringing their hands and biting their fingernails attempting to psychoanalyze Donald Trump’s recent shakeup

VIDEO: He’s baaaaaaaaaack. The Donald has returned to his old, unvarnished self, telling a protester to go home to his mommy

Remember the old Donald Trump who could leave a primary debate opponent with nowhere to go, like Jeb Bush, speechless, left with a stupid grin on his face?

Donald Trump comes just short of announcing his choice for Secretary of State. A very good choice!

In an interview with Hugh Hewitt today, Donald Trump hinted that he is seriously considering John Bolton as Secretary State.

Awesome video: African-American church goes all in for The Donald with their official “Day of Endorsement”

“But, but,but,” worried the non-believers, wringing their hands in abject despair, “minorities hate him. He’s a racist, he’s a bigot, he’s a mean person!” Thank God that the minorities they denigrate are smarter than the liberal pundits and morons (pardon […]

I am one of Newt Gingrich’s biggest fans, but I disagree with him on so many levels on the latest Donald sensation/artificial crisis. Newt, above anyone else, should understand what is going on here

The Dems see blood in the water as the media excoriates The Donald over his treatment of the poor Muslim couple who exploited their son’s death to advance the liberal agenda

Poor Rush Limbaugh, so out of touch. He is slamming Donald Trump for the Chaka Khan nonsense, and like Glenn Beck, will likely pay a dear price for it

Talking down to Trump like a headmaster to an unruly pupil, Rush is schooling The Donald on his recent criticism of Kazoo Khan, the father of an Army captain who was killed in Iraq

BREAKING! Donald Trump may drop out of the presidential race! Priebus reported to be “furious” and warning Trump to change course over Khan criticism

The RNC is reported to be scrambling to find a replacement for Donald Trump. Baloney! I don’t see The Donald backing down from this no matter what the PC crybabies want.

Beltway parasite General John Allen is slamming Donald Trump for supporting waterboarding and saying Trump is going to start a civil war. The Donald is firing back, calling Allen a “failed general”

General John Allen is a “beltway general.” He has been slamming Donald Trump for approving of waterboarding as a legitimate interrogation technique.

Wow! The Amish are all in for The Donald! When you can motivate the historically apolitical Amish to become politically active, you have it going on!

According to Ben King, Outreach Director for Amish PAC (The Amish have a PAC? Who knew?), “Pennsylvania has a good shot of going Republican in November

Oh, no! Supersleuth George Won’t has it all figured out. Donald Trump will not release his tax returns because he is doing business with Russians!

The beltway wimp with the propeller tie, still stuck in the Cold War, declared, “Perhaps one more reason why we’re not seeing his tax returns is because he is deeply involved in dealing with Russians!

VIDEO: Renowned Ukrainian sculptor has sculpted a bust of Donald Trump and made a video relaying his thoughts on the Republican nominee – “He is the heart of the USA”

Nikolai Shmatko on Donald Trump: “He is the heart of the USA…. I am pretty sure that the world is going to get better. The Americans are going to receive the prizes of their lives.

Hmmmm. The Hitlery camp is accusing Vladimir Putin of leaking the hacked DNC emails to help Trump. I have a theory….

Of course, Putin denies it, and the Trump campaign, in the person of Paul Manafort, labels the charge “absurd.” But is it?

BREAKING! This is Hillaryous, unless you are Hitlery Clinton. Barack Hussein’s brother, Malik, is voting for Donald Trump!

This should have Hitlery shaking in her Salvatore Ferragamos. Barack Hussein’s brother, Malik, has announced that he is voting for Donald Trump in November.

Chinese investors are buying up the United States, $27 billion in residential real estate in 2015 alone. The Donald can fix this with an import tariff!

Among the first reasons I began singing the praises of Donald Trump years ago was his clarity of vision and complete understanding of the Chinese trade problem.