VIDEO: Watch Fox News hosts crack up at Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s claim that she was not booed off stage during the DNC, but rather those were cheers from her “enthusiastic supporters”

“Enthusiastic supporters,” claims Schultz. Yeah, right, so enthusiastic she had to be escorted out of the room by security. Listen at the end as the “goodbye” chant is sung for Schultz

Hitlery’s union boss pal has his home, office, and bar raided by the FBI

According to sources inside the mainstream media traveling circus, “Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!”

VIDEO: Another mysterious death of an individual opposed to Hitlery and the DNC

What is the most dangerous job in America? Crab fishing in Alaska? Nope. Lumberjack? Sorry. The deadliest job in America is being opposed to the Clintons and the Democrat Party.

Blue Star mom blasts Genghis Khan for his stupidity and willingness to be exploited by Hitlery and the scum we call the Democrat Party

I know martyrdom is the highest station amongst Muslims, and I’m sure that the Khans consider their son a martyr. My question is a martyr for who? For America or for Allah?

Poor Rush Limbaugh, so out of touch. He is slamming Donald Trump for the Chaka Khan nonsense, and like Glenn Beck, will likely pay a dear price for it

Talking down to Trump like a headmaster to an unruly pupil, Rush is schooling The Donald on his recent criticism of Kazoo Khan, the father of an Army captain who was killed in Iraq

Beltway parasite General John Allen is slamming Donald Trump for supporting waterboarding and saying Trump is going to start a civil war. The Donald is firing back, calling Allen a “failed general”

General John Allen is a “beltway general.” He has been slamming Donald Trump for approving of waterboarding as a legitimate interrogation technique.

Payback is a bitch. So is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Bernie is engineering her next spectacular crash and burn

Schultz should have expected an unhealthy dose of characteristic liberal vindictiveness and Bernie Sanders is as liberal and characteristically vindictive as they come.

Uh-oh! This could be checkmate! The brain-dead Hitlery supporters are going to hate this video. Bernie’s supporters are abandoning the Democrat Party and are voting for Donald Trump.

Awesome! Bernie’s supporters are fired up. They were hosed by the Democrat Party, and they are leaving in droves, many now planning to vote for Donald Trump.

Basking in the warm adulation of her devoted fans, some adoring, some paid, Hitlery Clinton accepted the Sleazeball Party nomination for president

Hillary finally took to the stage. She wore all white. Like an angel. Like a saint. Like an erased server.

Wow! Proof that the Democrats are paying actors to fill the seats vacated by Bernie Sanders’ supporters, who are outside the Convention Center protesting

The Democrats have been advertising for actors to fill the seats of the Sanders delegation, which has been outside the convention hall protesting the egregious injustice

Meme of the Day….

A weekday with Bernie….

Michelle Obama calls America “the greatest country on earth.” Right, Michelle. You have been singing an entirely different tune for the past eight years

No, Michelle, it IS “just because Barack has done well” that you became proud of your country . He lied his ass off, he shoveled tons of snake oil down the throats of morons who enjoy the privilege to vote.

Guess what this is a photo of. Go ahead, guess. Hint: Can you say “Hypocrat?”

“Hypocrite” and “Democrat” are synonymous. I prefer using the hybrid, “Hypocrat.”

Hmmmm. The Hitlery camp is accusing Vladimir Putin of leaking the hacked DNC emails to help Trump. I have a theory….

Of course, Putin denies it, and the Trump campaign, in the person of Paul Manafort, labels the charge “absurd.” But is it?