I wasn’t able to find any released information on the attacker. After seeing a picture of the terrorist on a stretcher, pictured above, I am presuming he was a Baptist. Anyone else care to venture a guess?
I wasn’t able to find any released information on the attacker. After seeing a picture of the terrorist on a stretcher, pictured above, I am presuming he was a Baptist. Anyone else care to venture a guess?
The U.S. hit the Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) terror group in Yemen on Thursday with wide-ranging airstrikes that targeted the same general area where Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens was killed.
“F them racist a** cops!!! Kill them ALL. Black Lives Matter. Black people should start killing all white cops just like they are killing us!!! Then and only then will this s*** stop.”
H/T Sandy Tabor Three Muslim brothers working as IT techs for Democrat Congressmen in the House of Representatives were fired Thursday for illegally accessing House members’ computer networks, which initiated a criminal probe. The wife of one of the brothers […]
The Pentagon says two U.S. airstrikes in Syria last week killed 11 al Qaeda operatives, including one with ties to Osama bin Laden and other senior al Qaeda leaders.
In what is clearly an act of war, Iranian-backed Houthi rebels conducted a suicide attack against a Saudi frigate in the Red Sea, off the coast of Yemen.
Barack Hussein is being potentially implicated in the death of a US special operator in Yemen during an attack on an al-Qaeda compound on Sunday.
When Barack Hussein and other leftists began slamming internet publishers like Powdered Wig as “fake news,” I’m sure they didn’t envision their crusade to kill the conservative blogosphere blowing up in their faces like so many prank cigars.
As reported yesterday by Powdered Wig, facebook has blocked more than 100 pages affiliated with the terrorist organization Hamas. Today, Hamas is demanding its right to free expression and demanding that facebook return it. No, I’m not kidding. Hamas, known […]
Out of concern for being labeled a “sensationalist,” I was reluctant to post this video, but I think it is important to remind ourselves just what level of scum and trash we are dealing with.
The mainstream media credo is, “If it doesn’t fit the politically correct narrative, it isn’t news,” which we in the consuming public refer to as “fake news.”
Sorry, Hamas, our First Amendment stops at promoting murder. Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg did the right thing.
Four Israeli soldiers were killed in a terrorist truck attack today in Jerusalem. Three of the four killed were women. Police at the scene shot and killed the terrorist who has been identified as a Palestinian with ISIS ties.
One vest detonated but we have no report as to casualties. The other bomber’s vest failed to detonate. She was chased down by a mob of her would-be victims and summarily beaten to death.
The fact that the terrorist was likely connected to and/or inspired by ISIS is purely coincidental, you see. Yes, the first I in ISIS does stand for “Islamic.” Just another coincidence. Fuhget about it!
a man in midtown Manhattan attacked an off-duty NYPD police officer with a meat cleaver, gashing his face
H/T Joe LaVeque Was there ever a doubt. It is now being confirmed by our military that Muslim extremists are in fact infiltrating the United States across its southern border. But…. nothing to see here, folks. Move along! We don’t […]
Over the weekend a Muslim nutcase in Virginia stabbed a man and a woman, apparently attempting to behead them as he screamed, “Allahu Akbar!”
We have not been unable to determine the killer’s religion for certain, but we do know that his name was Mohamed and he was shouting “Allahu Akbar”
One of the guns used in the Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally
If you are among those who have believed, as I did for many years, that the Republican Party is the party of patriots and the Democrat Party is the, well, other party, populated by by gimme artists, morons, and corrupt […]
Field Expedient Terrorist Vetting Test
Not only did the Obama administration scrub counter-terror programs of jihad and Islam, now we find out that his administration scrubbed the records of Muslim terrorists.
It would appear the jihadist Omar Mateen was making preparations for this attack for quite some time.
103 more reasons to vote for Donald Trump, who is dedicated to the preservation of our Second Amendment.
A smuggling network has managed to sneak illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern terrorism hotbeds straight to the doorstep of the U.S.
From IBN Live # Indonesian President Joko Widodo says situation under control and calls for people to remain calm. # According to Indonesian police, the area where the attacks took place have been secured. Indonesia has been on edge over […]
By Thomas Madison Watch the video, below, as Congressman Jason Chaffetz, et al, grills career parasites from DHS and the State Department on the vetting, or lack thereof, of Muslim immigrants to the US, some of whom were, are, or […]
By Thomas Madison Raw cell phone video footage of the massacre in San Bernardino. Listen as one heroic cop evacuates trapped victims, assuring them (4:14 mark), “I will take a bullet before you do, that’s for damned sure!”
By Thomas Madison The ringleader and brains (if you can call it that) behind the Paris massacres has bought the farm. Abdelhamid Abaaoud is now tits up and enjoying his 72 virgins, one of which is pictured with Abaaoud, above. May […]