President Trump’s contempt for CNN is not a recent phenomenon, however. In 1990 CNN reporter Charles Feldman pressed Trump on questions regarding the financial stability of his Atlantic City casinos.
President Trump’s contempt for CNN is not a recent phenomenon, however. In 1990 CNN reporter Charles Feldman pressed Trump on questions regarding the financial stability of his Atlantic City casinos.
Unsuccessful, the anti-Trumpers resort to pepper spraying the Trump supporters, who do not appreciate the assault, chase down the anti-Trumpers, beat them and then restrain them until police arrest them.
Millie: “Immigration. You know, I love immigrants…. if they come here LEGALLY! LEGALLY! LEGALLY! I don’t like the word ‘illegally.’ I like ‘legally.'” LOL! All she needs is orange hair and a red tie.
Senate Bill 1142 would allow prosecutors to seize a person’s assets in addition to enhanced criminal charges. Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City, has said his bill is needed to deter violent riots.
On President Trump’s Inauguration Day, America’s national debt was $19,947,304,555,212. A month later the national debt was $19,935,316,186,835, twelve billion dollars less.
The best news is, if convicted, these anti-Trump criminal goons will never be able to vote again.
“They have made it very clear that the story is complete garbage.”
“President Trump speaks in a very superior and [BLANK] manner, insulting many people. He needs to be more [BLANK] so the American people respect and admire him,”
“We’re just a month into the Trump presidency, and already so many are wondering: How can we end it?” asks fake news artist Nicholas Kristof of The New York Fake News Times.
Watch this compilation of 21 bing moments from The Donald. “Bing, that’s the end of that. You know, it’s the only thing you can say.
Democrats to gullible American morons: “Run for the hills, folks, save yourselves, or better yet, just place all your trust in the Democrat Party and we will take care of you.”
All of us in the right wing blogosphere whose support was instrumental in the election of President Trump are under attack by the leftists and their puppet master financial backers.
Watch as the assclowns at CNN disrespectfully mock President Trump, turning his unique hand gestures into the gyrations of a comedic symphony conductor.
The two major sources of the chaos are Barack Hussein and George Soros, both easily indictable for sedition. If President Trump wants his presidency to survive he must arrest them both.
“We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them.”
Current and former intelligence officials are claiming that sensitive intelligence is being withheld from President Trump by the intelligence community out of concerns that the president cannot be trusted.
The Trump administration has offered the job of White House national security adviser, vacated by former U.S. intelligence official Michael Flynn, to Vice Admiral Robert Harward.
A new Fox News poll concludes that most American voters do not believe President Trump’s immigration ban against seven predominately Muslim nations is a religious ban against Muslims.
I think it would be a yuge mistake for Trump to accept Snowden. He should politely keep his distance from this issue, as many people, including yours truly, consider Snowden a hero.
Piers Morgan sounds more like a right wing stalwart than a confused progressive morphing from a struggling larva trapped in the rotten cocoon of leftist ideology to the screaming eagle of American exceptionalism.
Lawyers claim it is good to be ruled against by the 9th Circuit, as you will then surely win in the Supreme Court, as the 9th Circuit has a track record of being overturned in the Supreme Court in 80% of its cases.
Behold! There is a new sheriff in town. His plan to Make America Great Again is moving along at an alarming speed compared to the Golfers-in-Chief who have previously occupied the White House.
No, Sarah, I am not saying you look like a horse, even though I have heard the comparison made many times. OK, maybe you look a little bit like a horse.
Physical assault against young Republicans so insolent as to believe that they also enjoy the right to free speech is necessary in Libville, where such assault is encouraged and applauded.
Chicago, as well as most of our major cities that have found themselves in severe financial trouble, has been governed and controlled by liberal Democrats for decades.
The most important takeaway is manufacturers are adding jobs as market confidence continues to soar and government jobs (restrictions to freedom) are going bye-bye.
Judge James Robarts, the federal judge who granted an injunction against President Trump’s temporary ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, based his decision on a barefaced lie.
That Vladimir Putin, what a cut up. Always clowning. Now he is invading Korea, which was news to me, but Maxine Waters, the Capitol Hill resident moron, says it is true, so it must be, right?
Check out John Conyers’ reaction to President Trump’s action. The poor baby is beside himself. Hey, John, remember when Slick Willie fired every single Republican US Attorney in the country?
Many of the pro-Trumpers also carried pacifiers as a message to the anti-Trump protesters that they are whiny crybabies, which is accurate.