German reporter embeds with ISIS, reports they are planning to kill hundreds of millions in “religious cleansing”

By Jordan Schachtel, Breitbart Jurgen Todenhofer, the first Western reporter to embed with Islamic State fighters and not be killed in the process, spoke to Al Jazeera about his time with the terror group. Todenhofer lived side by side with the jihadist […]

VIDEO: “You leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows!” Ralph Peters for President!

By Thomas Madison Exactly! Ralph Peters nails it! It isn’t rocket science. It is very simple. Throw the Rules of Engagement in the trash. Allow our heroes in uniform to win the war, hit the enemy with EVERYTHING we’ve got, […]

ISIS chief executioner found beheaded in Syria with a cigarette in his mouth

By Gianluca Mezzofiore, International Business Times In a grotesque twist of the saying “live by the sword, die by the sword”, an Islamic State executioner in Syria who carried out beheadings for the jihadist group has been found with his […]

Saudi king warns ISIS will be in Europe in 30 days, in the US in 60 days

I was a little surprised to hear Greta’s guest admit that he doesn’t know why Obama calls them ISIL while the rest of the world calls them ISIS. You can find that explanation in the link below the video. Watch […]

94% increase in suicide bombings in 2014. 3,400 victims perish. ISIS blamed

From i24 News “…the number of suicide bombings around the world surged 94 percent in 2014 amid the rise of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security […]

VIDEO: ISIS takes down Jordanian jet with heat-seeking missile. One of the missing missiles from Gaddafi’s arsenal?

By Thomas Madison Have you ever wondered the current whereabouts of the 4,000 (one report claims 20,000) MAN-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) heat-seeking missiles that terrorists stole from Gaddafi’s arsenal in Libya, as we stood by and watched, Obama refusing […]

The reason for oil prices dropping through the floor? ISIS and the black market

by Scott Rohter, They say that whatever goes up must come down… so down and down it goes, the price of oil and gas and where it stops nobody knows.  Actually that’s not true. ISIS knows. The Islamic State […]

VIDEO: Texas sheriff – “If they (ISIS) show their ugly head in our area, we’ll send them to hell”

There have been reports of ISIS amassing in the vicinity of Juarez, Mexico, across the river from El Paso, Texas. I love the welcome Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter has in store for them.

Isis Executes 150 Women For Refusing To Marry Militants

From Times of India, via Viral Buzz Isis Has Executed At Least 150 Women For Refusing To Marry Militants In Iraq “At least 150 females, including pregnant women, were executed in Fallujah by a militant named Abu Anas Al-Libi after […]

French ISIS fighters want to come home, plead for clemency. No way! Go hump a goat!

From Michael Pizzi, Letters from disillusioned French fighters in Syria published by a French newspaper this week have revived a contentious debate in Europe about what to do with radicalized recruits to foreign wars who wish to lay down […]

New ISIS video claims to show American aid worker, Peter Kassig, beheaded

Abdul-Rahman Kassig: Idealist ‘simply seeking to help’ Mr Kassig’s parents said they were proud of his aid work in Syria. From BBC Abdul-Rahman Kassig believed it was his duty to alleviate the suffering of people affected by conflict in the […]

Military Experts: ISIS is in El Paso, Texas. Ft. Bliss in Imminent Danger of Terrorist Attack

From Judicial Watch The recent increase in security at a key Army base near a Mexican border city where Islamic terrorists are confirmed to be operating and planning an attack on the United States indicates that the facility is a […]

US airstrikes gravely wound, possibly kill, ISIS leader, al-Baghdadi

U.S. airstrikes ‘hit ISIS leader’: Terror group chief ‘critically wounded’ in Iraq after coalition forces bomb jihadi leaders Al-Baghdadi’s death or wounding by US or coalition airstrikes has been reported twice before, most recently in September, with the stories ultimately proving unverifiable. […]

VERY SICK! ISIS charging $172 to have sex with a child, 1 to 9 years old

READ, BELOW, THE NEW PRICE LIST ISIS JUST RELEASED From Walid Shoebat, Shoebat Foundation ISIS has set up the standard market price list for the sale of sex slaves. Yep, you got it right. It’s right here in black and white […]

UNFORGIVABLE! Obama knew location of James Foley five weeks before the failed rescue attempt

From Wills Robinson, Mail Online Claims: The White House allegedly knew the location of James Foley and other hostages in Syria five weeks before a rescue mission was given the go-ahead The White House allegedly knew the location of James […]

The Horror Before the Beheadings: An intimate look into the misery and horror endured by the hostages of ISIS

From  Rukmini Callimachi, New York Times   The father of Jejoen Bontinck, a young Belgian who spent three weeks in the same cell as James Foley and other hostages, showed a picture of the prison where they were held. CreditJasper […]

We are bombing ISIS. We are also providing them food, medicine for their wounded, and cash.

from Jamie Dettmer, The Daily Beast U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls. GAZIANTEP, Turkey—While U.S. warplanes strike […]

More than symbolic, Dutch bikers and American vets join Kurds to destroy ISIS

The Dutch motorbike gang taking on ISIS: Three members of ‘No Surrender’ group join Kurds to battle jihadis after prosecutor says they aren’t committing any crime Three Dutch bikers are thought to have gone to fight for Kurds in Syria […]

VIDEO – Colonel Ralph Peters: Massacre Looms in Kobane Due to Obama Cowardice and Fraudulent Air Campaign

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and Col Ralph Peters decry the massacre pending in Kobane (Koh-Bah’-Nee) Syria if ISIS takes that city. Peters assails the wasted time and opportunities to stop ISIS before they entered the city. Peters says Kurds are […]

Generals McInerney and Vallely: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama

In a interview with Trunews, Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney and Retired U.S. Army General Paul Vallely spoke about the possibility of a Constitutional Crisis that may occur if Barack Obama refuses to protect the American people […]

Pregnant and homesick, Austrian teens ‘want to come home’ from ISIS. Sorry, hosebags. You are cattle now. You asked for it, get used to it!

Two Austrian teenagers who moved to Syria to form relationships with Islamic State jihadists are pregnant and have told their families they want to return home Sabina Selimovic, 15, and Samra Kesinovic, 17, left their homes in April Photo: Interpol By […]

Retired Head Of Marine Corps: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Doesn’t Have ‘A Snowball’s Chance In Hell Of Succeeding’

By Jamie Weinstein, The Daily Caller The man who was the top Marine general from 2006 until his retirement in 2010 says President Barack Obama’s strategy to defeat the terrorist group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is doomed […]

STRAIGHT SHOOTING: John Bolton on Iraq, Syria and ISIS

From Allan Erickson, Clash Daily On Foxthis week: Ambassador John Bolton gave the best analysis of the situation in the Middle East. He said logically, if we believe ISIS is a mortal threat to the U.S., then ISIS must be […]

General McInerney on ISIS: “Let’s just kill them. I would wipe them out.” Simple, yes?

Retired general says political correctness is deadly to US By Drew Brooks The Fayetteville Observer, N.C. (MCT), via Stars and Stripes Major General Thomas G. McInerney U.S. AIR FORCE PINEHURST — A retired three-star general railed against the Obama administration, […]

14-year-old girl given as gift to ISIS commander escapes

By Mark Ellis, At only 14 she was captured from her dusty village on the western Ninevah plains by ISIS fighters, then given as a bride – a trophy of war — to one of their 50-year-old commanders. By […]

VIDEO: Illegal Immigrant Gangbangers Attack White Brothers in Chicago With ISIS-style Machetes

From Right Wing News: ABC7 reports that the older victim remains hospitalized in stable condition. The attack caused a gash 6 inches long and 1 ½ inches deep that required over 30 stitches to close. WGN reports that the Border […]