Comey pleads with Democrats: “Don’t lose your minds and rush to the socialist left.” LOL! Where ya’ been, Jimmy! The “rush” happened decades ago

Now, out of the blue, Comey has experienced an epiphany! Like someone clobbered him with the truth club, Lurch has suddenly realized that these swamp rats he has been hanging around with, and now looks and smells just like, are beginning to look like…. wait for it…. SOCIALISTS!

VIDEO: Protecting Hillary! Comey admits that he knew Hillary paid for the dossier but kept that crucial information from his boss, President Trump

Comey openly admits that he knew that the infamous Trump Dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton and he kept this vital information from his boss, President Trump. Does anyone need further proof to determine to whom Comey was loyal?

Whoa! The gloves are off! President Trump calls Comey a “LEAKER & LIAR” and a “weak and untruthful slime ball.” “It was my great honor to fire James Comey!”

I remain amazed at the fight President Trump is taking to all of his attackers, coming at him from every direction at once – the Democrats, the media, Hollywood, academia, a few Republicans, and special interests of all manner who are not interested in what is best for America but what is best for themselves.

How embarrassing for James Comey. A book about a gay rabbit knocks Comey’s book out of #1 Bestseller spot

Former FBI Director James Comey’s much-hyped memoir was on the bestseller list a month before anyone had even read it (how does that happen?), but it’s no longer the #1 Bestseller. That honor goes to a book about a homosexual rabbit. 

Comey tweets, “Got to dress up for a family event tonight and was proud to wear my FBI cufflinks.” The responses are brutal!

The most amazing part of Comey’s tweet was his total lack of ethical integrity and brazen nose-thumbing to the American people. “Look, I get the last laugh. I may be fired, but I will still parade around as though I am the king of the FBI, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

VIDEO: Oops! Comey in big trouble, like jail trouble. His “memos” which he shared with media pals were chock full of classified information

The revelation that Comey knowingly turned federal secrets over to friendly mainstream media outlets has left legal experts speculating: Will Comey end up in handcuffs?

FBI Director McCabe has been identified as the ringleader of the team engineering the takedown of President Trump

A “treasonous triumvirate” of FBI directors, two former, one current, has formed to dispose of President Trump once and for all.

Comey’s “good friend” who did the leaking for him has been identified and gone into hiding

Why did Comey expose his “good friend” in the first place? Does he believe that throwing his “good friend” to the wolves will somehow allow him to escape? The height of cowardice if that is true.

President Trump’s attorney is filing a DOJ complaint Monday against James Comey

James Comey’s ass is grass and President Trump is a lawnmower!

VIDEO: Big trouble for Comey, who perjured himself before Congress. President Trump’s attorney filing a complaint with DOJ on Monday

(This just in…. President Trump’s personal attorney is filing a complaint with the Justice Department on Monday regarding James Comey’s leaks and lies. Story to follow.)

Comey’s testimony implicates the Clintons, exonerates President Trump!

BOOM! Trump cleared, Slick Willie and Hitlery will likely be looking at another investigation, along with Loretta Lynch. No one ever said draining the swamp was going to be easy.

VIDEO: Comey’s testiomy proves that the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting was obstruction of justice

When asked if his decision to go public with the results of the email investigation was influenced by the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting, Comey replied, “Yes, in an ultimately conclusive way.

VIDEO: BOOM! President Trump exonerated. Comey says, “No,” President Trump did not ask him to stop investigation

“Did the President, at any time, ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 US elections?” Comey replied, “Not to my understanding, no.”

Will James Comey be arrested on June 8 or shortly thereafter? It may depend on how good a poker player he is.

Will Comey deny that any such memo ever existed, which I believe is the truth, or will he corroborate the claim in an effort to dethrone President Trump?

Comey memo is absolute BS! A leprechaun on a unicorn told the NY Times he saw it, which is good enough for Democrats

I saw this story (below) in Young Conservatives last night. They now fully recognize that the Comey memo is complete bullshit.

List of 13 candidates for FBI Director, with snapshot resumés of each. Take our poll letting us know your choice

The candidates under consideration by President Trump to replace fired FBI Director James Comey, with a snapshot resumé of each. Take our poll telling us your choice.

James Comey was completely incompetent, maybe criminally corrupt. His ten biggest embarrassments….

Not only did the FBI know that a terroristic attack was about to happen in Garland, Texas, but had an agent tailing the terrorists en route to Garland. The agent watched the attack and did nothing.

BREAKING! FBI agents furious over Comey’s handling of Hitlery case are starting to talk!

We were asked today to provide legal representation to people inside the bureau and agreed to do so and to former agents who want to come forward and talk. Comey thought this was going to go away.

Julian Assange offers James Comey a job investigating the US government

Assange had better have some deep pockets if he wants this free agent. Comey has been on the payroll of the leftist backers of Barack Hussein and the Clintons for a very long time.


About damned time! What took so long, Mr. President? Now, put the Wicked Witch of Benghazi in Gitmo!

VIDEO: Trey Gowdy to replace James Comey? Really?

It is being reported by multiple sources that FBI Director James Comey is being fired and replaced by Trey Gowdy, effective April 1

Not exactly Mr. Clean, check out Comey’s resume, which includes connections to the Clinton Foundation and international drug money laundering

Comey’s supporters on the left may try to deny any connection, but they can’t deny history. Let’s examine Comey’s resume.