H/T Steve Sigmund
Former FBI Director James Comey’s much-hyped memoir was on the bestseller list a month before anyone had even read it (how does that happen?), but it’s no longer the #1 Bestseller. That honor goes to a book about a homosexual rabbit.
Being beaten by a queer rabbit is a story Comey will surely share with his fellow inmates.
Comey’s book, titled “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,” made it to the top of Amazon’s best seller list, and by Monday morning was second only to an illustrated story about the Pence family’s rabbit Marlon Bundo, according to BizPac Review.
The number one spot was reserved for “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver’s parody of the Pence family’s homage to their pet rabbit. “Marlon Bundo’s A Day In The Life Of The Vice President” is a rhyming story book, written by Vice President Mike Pence’s daughter Charlotte and illustrated by his wife Karen, an award-winning water-color painter. In the book, the family’s pet rabbit travels around Washington, D.C., as “Grampa” Pence goes about his official duties.
“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo,” released Sunday, the day before the Pence book, is a story about a bunny who realizes he is gay.
Screenshot Amazon bestselling books Monday March 19
“It turns out, in a complete coincidence, we also wrote a book about Mike Pence’s rabbit that has also been published,” Oliver said on his show Sunday evening. “In fact, while his is out tomorrow, ours is released right now.”
“Now, there are a few small differences between the two books,” Oliver said. “Our Marlon Bundo is gay.”
The former FBI director’s book, set for release April 17, will share “never-before-told” stories of Comey’s experiences working in government. The publisher’s description for the book says it will explore “what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions.”