An 11-count indictment was handed out on Friday connected to the alleged Russian bribery scheme involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, and Uranium One.
An 11-count indictment was handed out on Friday connected to the alleged Russian bribery scheme involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, and Uranium One.
Sessions does not need the advice of a co-conspirator in the coverup of Uranium One. In fact, he needs no one’s advice at all. Uranium One is as clear a case of needing a special counsel as Sessions will ever see.
The FBI informant in the Uranium One case who has been under a gag order imposed by the administration of Barack Hussein has had the gag order removed by DOJ and is anxious to speak to Congress on anything and everything he knows.
Day after day, the fake news media has hammered the Russia conspiracy home. Until the real Russia story bubbled up to the surface. The Russia story that they don’t want to talk about. The Russia story that goes like this….
Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy will be heading up new congressional investigations into the smelly Clinton/Uranium One deal and the Obama DOJ’s kid glove treatment of the criminal enterprise.
The attorney for the gagged FBI informant, Victoria Toensing, appeared on Fox News today declaring that the Justice Department doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on and must remove her client’s gag order so that he can tell what he knows to Congress.
The informant, now terrified for his life, who was wired by the FBI during the investigation is still not allowed to talk, due to a gag order imposed by Barack Hussein, which Jeff Sessions needs to lift as soon as he fires Rosenstein, McCabe, and Mueller.