That moaning sound you are hearing in the background is the great wailing and gnashing of teeth by liberal weenies across America in response to the latest economic news.
That moaning sound you are hearing in the background is the great wailing and gnashing of teeth by liberal weenies across America in response to the latest economic news.
Drooling over the expected tax savings windfall businesses are due to reap from the very welcome Trump tax cut, the state of California is considering a Democrat bill to steal half of that windfall for itself. Brazen greed! Little wonder businesses are leaving California in droves.
Apple, crediting President Trump’s new tax law, is coming home and bringing its hundreds of billions of dollars in past, present, and future revenue with it. The tech giant is also expecting to pay $38 billion in taxes on its massive sales revenue. In addition, the company will create 20,000 new jobs and build a new customer service campus.
A resident of liberal weenie New York enjoys exactly the same federal tax break as a resident of booming, prosperous, conservative Texas who earns the same income. The difference is the New Yorker is subject to massive state income taxes. The Texan? Zero state income tax. So, how is that President Trump’s fault?
Income tax rates are going down, the standard deduction is doubling (that is huge!), child tax credits increasing, and many more tax benefits that equal money in your pocket in the form of tax savings, which means a bigger refund for most middle class taxpayers.
Horowitz describes “Bernie’s Plan” as having all of the actual features of President Trump’s tax plan, and the liberal weenies love it, praising it to no end.
Only black conservatives deserve such racist invective. But, who would expect anything less from the (Democrat) party of the KKK, Jim Crow, and voting against civil rights.
Kristol whined, “Isn’t there something creepy about corporations giving cash bonuses to employees explicitly because of the passage of certain legislation or because of specific regulatory actions? Doesn’t it have something of a Road to Corporatist Serfdom feel to it?”
However, the usual suspects on the left are unable to wrap around their pathetic heads around the concept of tax cuts = growth in tax revenue. JFK did it, Reagan did it. It isn’t rocket science. Study a little history, liberals!
Liberal weenies know how to do one thing well – spend someone else’s money. They don’t know how to make money and, as they see it, they don’t need to. When liberal weenies need money, they simply take it, taxing Mom and Pop America and American businesses.
The Trump administration unveiled a sweeping tax reform package Wednesday that simplifies the tax code, slashes rates across the board for individuals and dramatically lowers the corporate rate.