Politicians are not Superheroes By Rod Eccles There is a lot of cinematography lately that has Americans eagerly dishing out their hard earned cash just to be entertained for 120 minutes. It’s a particular genre of film that has Americans […]
Politicians are not Superheroes By Rod Eccles There is a lot of cinematography lately that has Americans eagerly dishing out their hard earned cash just to be entertained for 120 minutes. It’s a particular genre of film that has Americans […]
From Rod Eccles Houston We Have a Problem!! Houston! We have a problem. Well, actually it’s not just Houston. It’s Atlanta, New York, Philly, Detroit, LA, Portland, Miami, and every single city, town, village, and hamlet in the USA. You […]
Image, above: Want to own this awesome drawing? Order it here from our patriot pals at…. Tactical Drawings Lawmakers, Terrorists, and Criminals Want Gun Control Because of This By Rod Eccles Back in the days of The Revolutionary War, we had […]
Give me Liberty or Give me Death. Which do you Choose? By Rod Eccles Recently, I have been thinking about life…and death. My father passed away back in August of this year and it has shaken me to my core. […]
By Rod Eccles Today is Veterans Day, 2015 and I thank all those who have served and who are still serving in our nation’s Military and Coast Guard. There is no greater calling than to be willing to put your […]
By Rod Eccles This past weekend, I noticed something from watching a little TV and experiencing an event in person and that is we as a nation, as humans, are in some big, HUGE trouble. I had to ask myself […]
President Obama, because of you and your Destructive Policies, We the People want our Nation Back. By Rod Eccles Back in 2009, when I started my radio talk show, I knew that President Obama would be one of the worst […]
It is true. The Republican Party today is 45% liberal, 45% moderate, and 10% conservative. The Democrat Party is full of toe-the-party-line Marxists. ~ Thomas Madison From Rod Eccles I have been at this game of politics for some time […]
UPDATE: (August 10, 2015, 4:30PM EST) I was just notified that Rod’s father has passed, which makes his article, below, especially poignant. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, fellow patriot. May God Bless you and your family. ~ Thomas Madison MY […]
WE THE PEOPLE MUST NOT LET THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES DIE By Rod Eccles Today, it would seem, that Barack Obama has run into brick walls in the form of the various courts in the land. Which is […]