President Obama, because of you and your Destructive Policies, We the People want our Nation Back.
By Rod Eccles
Back in 2009, when I started my radio talk show, I knew that President Obama would be one of the worst presidents this nation has ever had. I also took to heart what Rush Limbaugh said back then about the President. Rush said “I hope he fails.” Lots of people on the left and in the ‘lame stream’ media blasted Rush for that. They took him out of context on purpose so they could label Rush and others who agreed with him as racists.
I, of course, knew exactly what Rush meant back then. I knew if this man succeeded then he would indeed fulfill a promise he made in one of his speeches “To Fundamentally Transform this Nation”. Fast forward some 7 years now and I can honestly say that what Rush wanted, what all true conservatives wanted, did not happen. In fact the complete opposite happened.
President Obama did not fail he has succeeded. In fact, I say that President Obama is the most successful president in our nation’s history at getting his agenda passed and implemented. However, that success has meant failure and decline for this nation. Obama wanted to punish those who were successful and did not tow his line. Indeed we now have the longest high level unemployment rate since the Great Depression.
We have the lowest labor participation rate in nearly 40 years. We have the fewest number of jobs in total compared to the total work force population since the Great Depression. We have had the longest period of the Federal Reserve leaving the base interest rate at 0% in our history. We have the highest number of people on Food Stamp assistance in history. We have nearly 50 million Americans now living at or below the poverty line and that is the highest it has been since the Great Depression.
We have a military that is smaller than what we had at the start of World War II and in some cases; it’s smaller than what we had at the start of World War I and Obama wants to cut it even further. Our influence and respect has declined all over the world and even our allies no longer take us seriously.
We have a government bureaucracy that is bigger than it has ever been and more costly than it has ever been. We have more national debt than we have ever had and that debt as a percentage of our total GDP is the highest it has ever been. We have police officers being targeted for assassination for the first time in our nation and the President is responsible for a good portion of this ill-will. He refuses to stand up for law enforcement, yet he often condones and even congratulates those who challenge authority and even threaten our society and its peace.
In fact, things are so bad in this country today that even the Democratic candidates for President are distancing themselves from Obama. They claim they will not follow in his footsteps yet we know each and every one of them would do so and in fact at least one of them would go even further.
But there is hope because Conservatives are gathering and speaking out. They are voting in larger numbers and they are making an impact on local politics all over the nation. They are turning out liberals, Democrats and Socialists almost everywhere. Even in some of our most liberal of cities, there is an air of conservatism that is creeping in.
People are beginning to understand what President John F Kennedy meant when he said. “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country”. We are spreading the word from coast to coast that conservatism, the rule of law, small government, efficient government, low taxes, and strong national defense has always meant a great America.
Yes, we are starting to re-energize our grass roots. We are starting to believe that America can be great again. We have given our acceptance to the strong, outsider voices for the GOP Presidential nomination race. The polished, well-rehearsed, typical politicians are languishing at the bottom of the polls and at the bottom of the voters’ heart
We are demanding that our President represent what is best about our nation. We want leaders that are not afraid to stand up for what is right no matter how bad the odds of winning may seem and most of all WE WANT OUR FREEDOM BACK. In short, Americans have seen what it is like to be a second rate nation in decline and we don’t like it because we want to be that shining beacon of hope for the world.
With the help of God and the American people, we will be that shining, gleaming city of light and hope on the mountain top because that is where the United States of America belongs forever.