Three days ’til primary day, Wisconsites. Send a patriot to Washington this time. Dump Paul Rino. Vote for Paul Nehlen!

Rino has spent the past 17 years in Washington as a beltway career parasite. Once thought to be a stalwart conservative and patriot, he has proven over his tenure as Speaker, to be a sellout

Newest poll shows Paul Rino losing his House seat to Paul Nehlen. Goodbye, Rino! The voters of Wisconsin have had enough of your lies!

GOP establishment stooge, Paul Rino, is destined to lose his House seat, according to the latest poll by AMP.

VIDEO: Meet Paul Ryan’s primary opponent, Paul Nehlen. C’mon, Wisconsites, send us a REAL patriot this time. Vote for Paul Nehlen!

Meet Paul Ryan’s opponent, and (hopefully) successor to the US House of Representatives. Paul Nehlen is a wealthy Wisconsin businessman, entrepreneur, and inventor.