Poor Bill Clinton. We shouldn’t pick on him that way. But, hey, as Schmuck Schumer says, “If the pussyhat fits….”

Firmly stationed on the popularity scale between root canals and Chlamydia, Schmuck Schumer is suffering his worst favorability scores ever, tanking 15 points among New Yorkers in recent months.

Schumer’s job approval ratings have fallen in New York in a trend that political experts say is connected to his profile rising in Washington, D.C.

Schumer confronted his lowest poll numbers in more than a dozen years among New York voters in two polls last week, according to Newsday.

The toxicity of national politics and his prominence in the partisan fighting — including as an antagonist to GOP President Donald Trump — are contributing factors, the experts say.

It’s “proof perhaps that even one of the most popular of senators can get muddied up in today’s Washington swamp,” said Tim Malloy, Quinnipiac University poll assistant director.

The top Democratic elected official has seen his popularity fall most steeply among New York Republicans.

His approval rating among state voters overall has dipped to 53 percent, a Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday showed. It was his lowest point since taking office as a senator in 1999.

He had a 52 percent favorability rating in a Siena Research Institute poll of state voters released Thursday, his lowest ever in Siena surveys, which started in 2005.

Siena and Quinnipiac polls released in December 2016, before he became Senate minority leader, showed him at 67 percent approval.

Siena found he had a 55 percent approval among GOP state voters then but only 23 percent this month.

“He’s become — like Nancy Pelosi — the face of the Democratic opposition in Washington,” said Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg. “Among New Yorkers, for his whole career, up until last year, Chuck Schumer while seen as a liberal was never viewed in a particularly strong partisan way.”