
Welcome to Barack Hussein’s dream – blacks attacking whites, total chaos, all in an effort to appease the black community even more.

For all of you who voted for Barack Hussein, I hope you are happy. Especially if you are white.

Milwaukee exploded in anti-white violence this weekend. Dear God, help us all!

From Infowars

The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.

“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.

“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.

“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.

“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.

The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.

The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason – they bust open the window.”

And in the following twitter video, a black protester complains, “The rich people, they got all this money, and they not, like, you know, trying to give us none.”

Just WOW! Welcome to Obamaworld.