CNN’s Jim Acosta has been showing his ass at White House press conferences since President Trump took office. He can’t take “no” for an answer, he is belligerent, childish, inconsiderate of his colleagues, and cannot follow simple instructions.

At a press conference today that we reported on earlier, Acosta asked President Trump a question. President Trump answered the question. As always, that was not enough for Acosta, who remained standing and continued asking questions. He then wrestled with a White House intern simply trying to take the microphone away as she was obviously instructed to do. Acosta continued to hold the microphone and ask a variety of questions of President Trump who had told him repeatedly to be quiet and sit down. Acosta disobeyed again, finally voluntarily turning over the microphone to the intern when the president walked away from the podium and appeared to be leaving the stage to confront Acosta.

Following is Sarah Sanders’ statement on Acosta’s suspension, which appears to be indefinite, or “until further notice.”

President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration. We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern.

This conduct is absolutely unacceptable. It is also completely disrespectful to the reporter’s colleagues not to allow them an opportunity to ask a question. President Trump has given the press more access than any President in history.

Contrary to CNN’s assertions there is no greater demonstration of the President’s support for a free press than the event he held today. Only they would attack the President for not supporting a free press in the midst of him taking 68 questions from 35 different reporters over the course of 1.5 hours including several from the reporter in question. The fact that CNN is proud of the way their employee behaved is not only disgusting, it‘s an example of their outrageous disregard for everyone, including young women, who work in this Administration.”

President Trump has finally had enough of Jim Acosta who showed up at the White House gate tonight for his “8 o’clock hit,” as he called it (no mention of exactly what or who he intended to hit). A Secret Service officer immediately seized Acosta’s White House press credentials and told him he was not allowed to enter.

Acosta videoed the Secret Service seizure of his credentials (video, below) and promptly tweeted it.

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Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere….