Jim Acosta apparently smells blood in the water with the Democrats taking the House in the midterm elections and seems to believe that he now has license to treat the president even more disrespectfully than before.

I don’t understand why the president puts up with it. Why hasn’t he banned Jim Acosta from the White House, something that should have done long ago? Why does President Trump continue to allow Acosta to ask questions designed to embarrass him and the Republican Party?

If I were President Trump, I would introduce a new set of press briefing rules:

  1. You are permitted to ask one question.
  2. Once you ask your question, turn the mic over to an usher and take your seat. I will then answer the question. You may not ask a follow-up question.
  3. If you ask more than one question, I will answer neither of them, your mic will be turned off, you will be escorted from the room, and banned from the White House for one week.
  4. Should a second offense occur after you have been allowed to return to the White House, you will be escorted from the White House immediately, and you and your network will be banned from the White House for the duration of my administration.

Watch the following unbelievable exchange between disrespectful assclown Jim Acosta and the man who continues to allow him to work in the White House as Acosta asks multiple questions, then refuses to give up the microphone, at one point wrestling it away from a White House aide who was trying to take it from him. Then, when Acosta finally surrenders the microphone and sits down, another correspondent asks the president a question, and Acosta, again, stands up and confronts the president.

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For those who were as confused as me, an “LEA” is a “law enforcement agency” and an “LEO” is a law enforcement officer, per Wikipedia.

Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere…. https://www.gofundme.com/powdered-wig-society