By Thomas Madison
Kiing Hussein has a long history of bitch slapping Congress at every opportunity. No different the Iran non-deal, that generous bundle of gifts we are giving Iran in return for them building nuclear weapons, the purpose of which is clear in their continuous “Death to Israel, Death to America” mantra.
To say that the “deal” Hussein and his team of uber-tough negotiators made with Iran is a bad deal is much more than an understatement. It is an understatement times ten, some word that has not yet been invented.
Why did it take over a year to negotiate a one-sided deal if that was the goal all along? This “deal” could have been accomplished within seconds. Condensing the time lapse of the year-long negotiation process into a few seconds, here are the Cliff notes:
Iran: Please remove the sanctions. They are killing us.
Hussein: On one condition – you increase your nuclear enrichment capacity and accelerate your nuclear weapons program.
Iran: Well, OK. It will be a challenge, but we accept.
Hussein: Not so fast! You are not only required to speed up your nuclear weapons program with which to kill us, but also, and this is not negotiable, you must accept 150 billion dollars. Now you either take this deal or you leave it. We mean business!
You guys are tough! We accept all conditions. Death to America!
How can this even be called a deal? Deals benefit both sides. There is only one winner in this “deal.” It isn’t a deal. It is a gift. Many gifts. How can the one-sided results be anything less than intentional on the part of Barack Hussein? Why? How can the intent be anything less than nefarious, meant to intentionally endanger Israel and the United States? Otherwise, there would have been no “deal” at all. If we had made no “deal” the Iranians would have continued with their nuclear program without interference. Why did we give Iran $150 billion for continuing to violate previous agreements? They could have continued to violate the agreement for free. Instead, we give them a $150 billion bonus?
The only hope the American and Israeli people have is that Congress will reject this horror. However, the king has a plan – get the UN Security Council to approve the “deal” before Congress has had a chance to vote on it, again neutralizing and insulting Congress as has been the history of this administration. Once in place, reversing the “deal” will be much more difficult.
Why doesn’t Congress hold an emergency vote on this steaming pile of “deal?” Will Hussein and the UN proceed anyway as though the United States Congress doesn’t exist?
From Brett Schaefer, The Daily Signal
According to news reports, the Obama administration is currently circulating a draft United Nations Security Council resolution to implement the commitments agreed to under the Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
The expectation among other Security Council member states is that the U.S. will seek a vote on the resolution in the Security Council in the near term before Congress has had an opportunity to review and act on the agreement as outlined in the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, which President Obama signed into law.
The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 states the during the review period, the “President may not waive, suspend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit the application of statutory sanctions with respect to Iran under any provision of law or refrain from applying any such sanctions.”
U.N. Security Council sanctions are not U.S. statutory sanctions, but the clear intent of the legislation is to prevent any sanctions relief until Congress has reviewed the deal.
No doubt the Obama administration justifies its haste on these provisions of the JCPOA. But “promptly” and “without delay” do not necessarily mean immediately.
Indeed, all negotiating parties are aware of the Obama administration’s commitment to give Congress time to review the deal. It is reasonable to argue that promptly means immediately after the procedures outlined in the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 are complete.
The parties have negotiated this deal for well over a year breaking numerous deadlines, what are a few more weeks at this point? The clear intent is to give the impression of inevitability and pressure Congress not to, in the words of President Obama, veto “the judgment of 99 percent of the world community.”
A matter of this significance deserves careful deliberation. Once the Security Council takes action on this matter, it will rescind seven painstakingly negotiated Security Council resolutions adopted over the past decade.
It will also start the clock on a cascade of sanctions relief commitments by the U.S. and the European Union.
Once started, the possibility of re-erecting this sanctions framework is vanishingly small. Even if the snapback provisions in the agreement work as described, given the incentives for key parties and commercial interests to avoid re-imposition of sanctions, they will only be viable after proof of Iranian violations are grossly evident.
Meanwhile, more than $100 billion in frozen Iranian assets will be released over the next year.