Obama to veterans: Drop dead, we have illegal aliens who need to be housed.

Veterans are being wrongfully declared incompetent at an alarming rate, in an effort to prohibit them from owning firearms. What are you afraid of, Barrack? (by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney) There are an estimated 130,000 to 200,000 U.S. Military veterans […]

Former SEAL Team 6 Commander/Congressional Candidate: Invade Mexico to Rescue Tahmooressi

From Sean Brown, Mad World As the flood of illegal immigrants continues over our Southern border, one of our own Marines sits imprisoned in a Mexican jail because he accidentally crossed into the country with firearms in his vehicle and […]

Europe, are you watching? China executes eight Muslim terrorists.

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China has executed eight people for “terrorist” attacks in its restive far western region of Xinjiang, including three who “masterminded” a dramatic car crash in the capital’s Tiananmen Square in 2013, state media said.  Xinjiang is the […]

These Nine Americans Have a Message for ISIS….

From Oliver Darcy, The Blaze Nine Americans recently turned to popular smartphone application Whisper to send a message to the Islamic State terror group — and they appear to be fed up with the group’s continuous stream of threats to the U.S. […]

I have discovered the problem. Palestinians are insane! 89% support terror attacks on Israel.

My message to the Palestinian people From Thomas Madison What the hell is the matter with you people? Are you insane?! You have elected a terrorist organization as your legitimate leadership, which in turn uses YOU as human shields, gaining […]

Watch as Tim Tebow, one of the classiest individuals in sports, makes a sick girl’s dream come true

By Thomas Madison Haley’s journey to meet Tim Tebow began with a simple wish, and like all W15H experiences, it became a completely customized trip full of exciting adventures. W15H is an outreach of the Tim Tebow Foundation, creating once-in-a-lifetime […]

Former Marine Brutally Beaten as Revenge for Ferguson. Sharpton, Jackson, Holder Silent

This is sickening! According to Eric Holder, it is impossible for blacks to commit hate crimes against whites. Hate crimes can only be the extremely rare white-on-black crimes. Yet, reading this, it is clear that it is a black-on-white hate […]

YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Saudi Foreign Minister: Time for Islamic World to Recognize Israel.

Awesome!!!! The most hopeful news regarding Middle East/global peace I have seen in decades! WOW, I never thought I would see this! This is very good news…  Via Breitbart: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister said that now is the time to […]

Yelling, “Hey White Boy,” black teens assault lifeguard. Not charged as hate crime.

By Thomas Madison Police did not charge this racially-motivated assault as a hate crime. Is there any question, had the races been reversed, that not only would this be a hate crime, but there would be massive rioting and the […]

America’s Liar-in-Chief Denies His “ISIS is JV” Comment

“Nooooooo, that wasn’t me! George Bush said that. I never said that. I would never say such a thing. Bush is stupid!” From Pamela Geller New Yorker editor David Remnick asked the president why the Al Qaeda flag is now seen flying […]


By AWR Hawkins, Breitbart British Special Forces are forming a special unit with U.S. Delta Force and SEAL Team Six to “smash the Islamic State.” The unit, Task Force Black, will be targeting the command structure of the Islamic State […]


Excerpted from an article by Tony Lee, Breitbart   Forget so-called “Mexifornia.” How about the United States of Mexico? On Monday, Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto called on other states to “evolve” like California so the United States can be more like […]

Burger King Joining the Exodus of US Corporations to Escape Outrageous American Taxes

Moving to Canada, eh? Obama Pal Warren Buffett Helping Burger King Exercise ‘Unpatriotic Tax Loophole   By Thomas Madison So, Warren Buffett, who has been championing King Hussein’s “Rape the Rich” tax plan, is putting together, and partially financing (25%) […]

Egypt & UAE Snub Obama, Launch Airstrikes On Islamists In Libya

Middle East powers and long-time allies demonstrate an apparent disregard for, and lack of confidence in, the Obama administration, not only not asking for our help, but not even letting us know what they are doing. Unprecedented, embarrassing, and a […]

Our Corrupt Federal Government Is Accountable To No One. Continues to rot from within.

By JD Brown, Brenner Brief Lois Lerner and the IRS “scandal” is business as usual in a federal government that is no longer accountable, not only to the people but even to itself. Today via the New York Observer we learn that not […]

Did Obama’s sloth and indecision cost Jim Foley his life? It appears likely.

Following are the background and details of the raid to rescue James Foley and the other hostages being held captive by ISIS. Excerpted from an article by Toby Harnden, Real Clear Politics It was shortly after midnight on the Fourth […]

109,631,000 Americans are on welfare. That’s 1/3 of our population. Sickening!!

Right, more illegal immigrants. That’s what we need . We don’t have enough people on welfare yet. Open the gates, Barrack. Bring ‘em in and sign ‘em up. We can handle it, you corrupt impostor! The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on […]

Support Alternate Media!

American ingenuity and technology have brought us an alternative to the stale, and apparently corrupt, status quo of the mainstream media. Alternate media sources, specifically blogs, like this one, offer truth and honesty, as we have no ulterior motive, like […]

Is ISIS already living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Good question!

Obama Has Created A Scenario For The Destruction Of The United States… By L. Todd Wood, Western Journalism   So now even our Secretary of Defense is warning American citizens that The Islamic State is coming for them and is […]

Ferguson Media Circus Ends as New Evidence Shows Michael Brown as Aggressor

“Ladies and gentlemen, please give us your undivided attention as we rub Al Sharpton’s nose in his own doo?” Excerpted from an article by Tim Brown, DC Clothesline While the bigger story in Ferguson to me has been the militarization of the […]

Ron Paul: “You cannot have open borders in a welfare state.” Truth!

The other jackboot poised to crush America’s throat (amnesty!) By Anthony Martin, Examiner Rarely has Barack Obama allowed anything whatsoever to interfere with his numerous vacations, particular when it involves his golf game. But Obama curiously left Martha’s Vineyard this week to […]

Watch as injured white man called racist by Latina reporter, defended by black patriot

 By Thomas Madison At a pro-America rally an ignorant Latina reporter is baiting an injured and bloody white man, who was hit in the head with a frozen can of Coke by pro-illegal immigration punks, asking him if he is […]

Kidnappers free US journalist missing in Syria since 2012

Terrorists don’t just release hostages out of the goodness of their hearts. I wonder how much money exchanged hands and/or if other terrorists were released from captivity in exchange. And I wonder how many more hostages will be taken as […]

Wow! HR5344, House bill to outlaw body armor. Big Bro hates when you resist his bullets!

Congress proposes new law prohibiting body armor in the Land of the Free If you have ever considered body armor, you had better buy it now, and be sure to keep the receipt! You will be grandfathered in if you […]