Clay Haynes is a Senior Network Security Engineer at twitter. In an undercover investigation by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas, Haynes revealed what many of us have suspected for a long time to the point of certainty, that Twitter (among other major social media platforms) is little more than a leftist tool of the Democrat Party.
Haynes admitted that his company turns over the private communications, including deleted tweets, of President Trump to the Department of Justice. Judging by other revelations by Haynes, such as his belief that President Trump is a “complete ass” and a “maniac,” it is presumed the documents requested by DOJ are surrendered gladly and voluntarily.
Proudly boasting that he is a “bleeding heart liberal,” Haynes brags of his powerful “Big Brotherish” role in assisting DOJ. Of President Trump, he scoffs, “He’s dangerous, I don’t like him, and he’s a terrible human being!”
I’m sure Big Brother Haynes is enjoying a big, fat Twitter 401k that President Trump has sent through the roof, praiseworthy work for such “a terrible human being.” I reckon intelligence is not a requirement for network security engineers.