The Trump troop trip has come and gone this Christmas season and all that is left is the embarrassing Democrat Communications Division, more often referred to as the mainstream media, trying to recover from insisting that President Trump was the first president in nearly two decades to not visit the troops on Christmas. And, they were saying this while the President and First Lady were actually on the ground in Iraq visiting the troops the slimeball talking heads insisted they weren’t visiting.

Once CNN discovered that President Trump and the First Lady were, indeed, on the ground in Iraq and visiting the troops, they offered nary a word of apology, but lit into an immediate and expected spectacle of disparaging the troops present for showing such respect and admiration for their Commander-in-Chief.

CNN, known more for lying than reporting real news, jumped at the opportunity to claim that the troops were violating rules regarding servicemembers not engaging in political activity, which the Crooked News Network believes occurred when troops requested the President autograph their MAGA caps, which he was proud to do and which violates no official DOD policy.

The fact that our troops love their Commander-in-Chief infuriates the left and sends them into foaming-at-the-mouth tirades as they demand that such displays of affection for the President never occur, be hidden, or only take place when Democrat presidents are in office. I can’t recall a Democrat president ever who inspired such respect, admiration, and gratitude.

While lying about the President not visiting the troops this Christmas season, CNN conveniently neglected to report that Melania Trump is the first First Lady in a decade to visit US troops in a war zone, Laura Bush being the most recent when she visited US troops in Afghanistan. Michelle Obama made no trips to visit troops in a war zone. You are shocked to hear of CNN’s negligence, yes?

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I wasn’t the only reader made nauseous by the liberal whinefest….

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