There is a movement afoot in Sweden to change its national flag from its current Christian cross design, believed to have originated as early as 1521, to a new design which incorporates the crescent and star of Islam, leaving the Christian cross with no representation at all.
Swedish liberal weenies, of which there is no shortage, believe that Christianity owes Islam a dear debt as compensation for the Crusades, which were a matter of Christians defending their faith and their territory they believe were poor, innocent Muslims being slaughtered by racist Swedes.
As compensation, Swedish morons are offering Muslims, who flood, unvetted, into their country by the hundreds of thousands, everything they own – their country, their homes, their fortunes, their children, their bodies. Why prolong the agony? Drink a pint of bleach and be done with it.
Old flag…. New flag….
From Infowars
The left’s embrace of the death cult called Islam marches on…
A social media campaign is pressuring Sweden to adopt a Turkish-style flag due to Islam’s rapid growth in the country.
A petition asking Sweden’s prime minister to do away with the current, “offensive” flag is nearing its signature goal as the campaign’s hashtag #ForBetterSweden continues to trend on Twitter.
“The Swedish flag is a constant reminder of our dark and oppressive past,” the petition reads. “Refugees and migrants are forced to live under its Christian Cross; a symbol of the Crusades and the slaughter of millions of innocent Islamic lives in Sweden’s past that makes them feel unwelcome and unsafe.”
“Sweden should be a safe space for everyone.”