The mainstream media is in a dilemma. What to do when a black woman verbally attacks Islam on twitter?
Oh, I know! don’t identify the attacker as black, call her a white supremacist. Readers will presume she is a snow-white, rebel-flag-toting, pickup-driving redneck. Until they are found out to be liars, of course. But by then who cares, the story will have been read a million times.
Schoolteacher Sundai Brown is under attack for honestly tweeting her opinion of Islam and its doctrine of dominance and death to infidels which she sees a bit more clearly than most. For that, she is being personally destroyed by the leftists in the mainstream media and painted as a white supremacist, even though she is black.
The media can’t call her a black supremacist. That’s no fun and doesn’t fit the liberal narrative at all. So, demonstrating the height of dishonesty, they simply decline to show a photograph of Brown or mention her race which would blow their ridiculous narrative to bits.
Don’t be surprised if the next time you hear Brown’s name she is being connected to David Duke.
From Robert Spencer, as published in PJ Media
The Orlando Weekly’s Xander Peters frames the story this way: “Orange County middle school teacher has an incredibly racist Twitter account.” According to Peters, this teacher “retweeted an anti-Muslim post by Identify [sic] Evropa, a white supremacist group that aims to create a white ethnostate.”
Neither the Orlando Weekly nor the Orlando Sentinel, which also covered the storyof this “racist” teacher, shows you a photo of the offender. That is probably because the accused “racist” and “white supremacist” teacher, Sundai Brown, is a black woman.
What race is she supposedly attacking? Jihad terror and Islamization. Islam, as any sane person knows, is not a race, and Muslims are not of a single race, but of all races. But the Orlando Weekly and Orlando Sentinel are out to destroy Sundai Brown’s career and livelihood, for the crime of opposing jihad violence and the spread of Sharia to non-Muslim countries. They have targeted her because she reportedly tweeted that “imans [sic] worldwide instruct muslims to invade western countries, outbreed them, overthrow governments, kill infidels and implement sharia law.”
Are there imams and other Muslim leaders who have preached such things? Yes. Examples are not hard to find.
Brown has retweeted posts from Identity Evropa, which both the Weekly and the Sentinel call “Identify Evropa,” and which they claim is a white supremacist group because the hard-Left Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says so.
So, there is Brown’s connection to white supremacy, retweeting a post from a group she has no affiliation with.
Is the ADL a reliable guide to such matters? That’s highly questionable, but not to the Weekly or the Sentinel. In any case, even if Identity Evropa is white supremacist, to argue that Sundai Brown is a white supremacist for retweeting them, or is tainted by or responsible for all of their views because she retweeted them, is ridiculous by any rational measure.
This witch hunt against Sundai Brown is just one of many nowadays. People who express the slightest opposition to jihad terror, or any hesitation about the project of inundating Western countries with Muslim migrants, have long been targeted. But now, they are not simply tarred as racist, bigoted Islamophobes — that defamation has been going on for well over a decade — but are also targeted professionally.
The Leftist/Islamic alliance, through its tools in the establishment media, wants to drive all those who do not echo the hard-Left agenda out of the public sphere altogether. They are applying Hillary Clinton’s call to use “peer pressuring and shaming” against those who get out of line, and endeavoring quite simply to destroy all dissent and all dissenters.
I myself have been subjected to this for years. The cowardly establishment Right has long been intimidated into avoiding me and all others who speak about how jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence. A few years ago, the thuggish hatemonger Nathan Lean of Georgetown University led a campaign to get me canceled from a speaking engagement in California that had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam or jihad. He wants me and others who speak the truth about the jihad threat to be shunned and ostracized everywhere.
Indeed, our leaders on the right are cowards, hiding under their Capitol Hill desks lest anyone should call them racists. Find a tiny bit of courage, folks, crawl out from under that desk, and stand up! Let them call you racists. So, what. When that no longer works, they will stop and you would have done a great deal to return sanity to the American race non-issue.
This extends even to basic efforts to make a living. The Washington Post got Terry Jones, the famous Qur’an-burning pastor, fired from driving for Uber, even though he wasn’t exactly burning Qur’ans as he carried passengers to their destination. It’s clear that if I quit this work today and got a job selling real estate or driving a truck, the likes of Lean, the Post, and other Leftist totalitarians would publicize it to get me fired.
But that’s just me. After all these years, I am used to this, and expect it. Sundai Brown, however, is a different story.
She is not a professional activist or writer. She is a schoolteacher. A private citizen. She and others like her do not deserve this public shaming and persecution simply for opposing what everyone should oppose — jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression. If Bridgewater Middle School or Valencia College fire her, there should be protests. Every lover of freedom in the Orlando area should, if Brown is fired, picket the Bridgewater Middle School and/or Valencia College, asking why they are carrying water for murderers and oppressors.
It is high time we push back against this incipient totalitarianism, and put an end to this “peer pressure and shaming” and destruction of people’s lives and careers because they said something the Leftist establishment doesn’t like. If we don’t, their path is cleared: this totalitarian straitjacket will be applied to us ever more tightly, until it won’t be possible for anyone to be employed anywhere unless they say and think what Big Brother demands they say and think.
Say no to this now. Say yes to free thought. Stand with Sundai Brown.