I am a conservative political commentator and a proud patriot. The tyrants who run social media don’t like that. In fact, they HATE it. Hate is something they eat for breakfast.
Why do they hate conservatives who believe in protecting American sovereignty and support the cornerstone of our Constitution, individual liberty? Because they are morons. They embrace socialism and its proponents on the left and abhor its polar opposite, capitalism, which made them rich beyond imagination. Where I grew up, we called that “stupid.”
Fascistbook shut down my main page, Powdered Wig Society (300,000 followers) and both of my personal pages as part of the “great purge” of conservative publishers on October 11, 2018, just in time for the midterm elections. Certainly a coincidence, yes? Fascistbook also left two of my other pages and two groups without an admin by shutting down the personal accounts of the admins of both pages and both groups. I am also shadow-banned on Twitter. My posts there are virtually invisible. My Twitter engagement is next to zero. Thus, I have no real social media presence.
Over the past two years, I have watched helplessly as the goons at Fascistbook have systematically squeezed off my traffic and revenue by 98% since our peak before President Trump’s election.
Help us fight Facebook and keep the First Amendment alive by donating anything you can and sharing this link everywhere…. https://www.gofundme.com/powdered-wig-society
I have paid Fascistbook many thousands of dollars over the past five years to promote my pages and my site, only to have the very same people ultimately destroy everything I had built and paid for on Facebook.
In a Twitter thread Tuesday afternoon, OAN’s Chief White House Correspondent, Emerald Robinson, tweeted that she has a source who is reporting that unnamed “NeverTrumper” magazines were paid by “a top internet company to suppress stories of bias against conservatives & Trump supporters,” and that there is audio proof of this in a recording of a “top tech executive explaining (this) strategy.” The recording has been leaked to a major newspaper.
How this will shake out, in my opinion, depends on which “major newspaper” is in possession of the recording. If it is The Washington Post or New York Times, we will likely never hear another word about it. If it is in the hands of a more honest and unbiased newspaper like The Washington Times, then the story could have legs.
As to which “top internet company” paid to silence reporting of its abuse of conservative publishers, my first guess is Fascistbook, perhaps because of my own horrific experience with the Silicon Valley scumbags, followed by Google, then Twitter. It is possible that all were involved in the scheme, as well as Soros and other leftist backers.
I have joined several more social media platforms which are more honest and reputable than Fascistbook in an effort to rebuild my site’s social media presence. I have listed those platforms at the end of this article. Please check them all out and sign up. They are run by free speech conservatives and promise to never sell your data or censor you for any reason, making them all far and away superior to the control freaks and enemies of free speech at Fascistbook and Twitter.
Well, if the "major newspaper" is The Washington Fake News Post or The New York Fake News Times, then you can count on the suppression continuing and the audio being destroyed.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) October 30, 2018
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) October 30, 2018
My source adds: "Once this story is out, these people will never recover. They were getting paid to ignore the discrimination against their fellow conservatives essentially. Or write pieces claiming there was no need for legislation protecting free speech on media platforms."
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) October 30, 2018
Censorship is NOT "a straight-forward conservative position!" Free speech for everyone, including conservatives, is "a straight-forward conservative position!"
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) October 30, 2018
Following are alternative social media sites that are a million times better than Fascistbook. Check them out and sign up. We have at least one page on all of them, either a Powdered Wig Society page or a Thomas Madison page or a Swamp Drainers page. On Mumblit, a Facebook clone, we have all three….
Mumblit……………………………………………… https://www.mumblit.com/
Deplorables Online………………………….. http://www.deplorablesonline.us
Spreely……………………………………………….. https://www.spreely.com
Oneway……………………………………………… https://oneway.com/
Pro-America Only……………………………. https://proamericaonly.org
Gab…………………………………………………….. https://gab.ai
MeWe………………………………………………… https://mewe.com
Codias……………………………………………….. https://www.codias.com
Help us fight Facebook and keep the First Amendment alive by donating anything you can and sharing this link everywhere…. https://www.gofundme.com/powdered-wig-society