I was so hoping that Jim Jordan would be elected House Minority Leader. I reckon the Republican Party is still the party of establishment Rinos, not patriots.

Kevin McCarthy, the new House Minority Leader, is promising to join Democrats to throw fellow Republican Steve King under the bus for having been quoted out of context by a New York Times reporter. It is the politically correct thing to do and McCarthy is as politically correct and spineless a leader as Paul Rino. But, it is not the right thing to do.

The Democrat-manufactured hubbub du jour involves Iowa Republican House member Steve King’s interview in which he questioned how now-toxic terms like white nationalist, fascist, white supremacist, and Nazi, terms employed intermittently by Democrats and MSM talking heads alike to describe Republicans and anyone else they have a disagreement with, became so misdefined.

Having worn out the term “racist,” Dems are upping their game to include the new descriptors as a means to drive public support away from Republicans, a tactic that seems to be working well.

In his 56-minute unrecorded interview, King described how certain words, like “nationalist,” have become toxic and are now used openly to describe anyone opposed to the liberal agenda as a racist.

Now, rather than support King and defend him from the dishonest Democrats and mainstream media in a most vulnerable moment, McCarthy is joining the liberals to destroy King, an unashamed patriot.

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McCarthy is picking up right where Paul Rino left off, looking out for his own miserable ass, perfectly willing to throw a patriot under the bus to curry a bit of temporary favor with Democrats and the mainstream media. McCarthy believes this is “bipartisan.”

No, it isn’t! It is the purest form of disloyalty from a scumbag who has found himself in an important position and who is unable to see what is happening around him. The Republicans should vote again and replace him with a patriot.

America must trust Republicans to look out for We the People. Kevin McCarthy is not looking out for Republicans. He is throwing America under the bus with King.

Now, watch as CNN liberals attempt to perpetuate their talking point that the term “nationalist” is synonymous with “racist,” which means, of course, that, to them and anyone who believes them, all who love America are racists. See how it works?

So, what exactly is a “nationalist?” According to the Oxford Dictionary, a nationalist is “a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests.”

My favorite reference site, Power Thesaurus, lists its top synonym for “nationalist” as “patriot.”

Exactly! That is what a nationalist is, a patriot.

I am a nationalist, a proud nationalist. I am also a Caucasian, so saying that I am a white nationalist would not be incorrect. There are also black nationalists, Hispanic nationalists, and Asian nationalists in America. It is not something to be ashamed of. Rather, it is something to be proud of. President Trump is a nationalist.

However, the Democrats and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media have successfully convinced a great number of morons, many of whom serve in Congress, that being a “nationalist” is being a racist.

Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere…. https://www.gofundme.com/powdered-wig-society