Photo, above: President Trump asks Tim Scott to say a few words about the tax reform bill he helped create.
Despite looking like he has a Mohawk (that’s actually someone standing behind him), Senator Tim Scott is kind of square, which (for our younger readers) means conservative, centered, grounded, and a solid patriot.
That does not stop racist liberal weenies, however, from trying to make Scott look like an Uncle Tom or an Oreo. They would never attempt this derision with a black liberal. Only black conservatives deserve such racist invective. But, who would expect anything less from the (Democrat) party of the KKK, Jim Crow, and voting against civil rights.
From BizPac Review
Keep digging, leftists.
President Trump and Republicans wasted no time celebrating outside the White House after passing historic tax reform on Wednesday.
As Trump spoke about the momentous occasion he was flanked by key lawmakers who had an instrumental part of the bill’s passing. Republican Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina, who had been a vocal advocate of tax reform, was one them.
“I really want to end, by looking back and thanking all of those people standing behind me that worked for years … they’ve been working on this for years. Years and years,” Trump said before turning around and giving the group a personal round of applause.
Leave it to a regressive “political and pop culture analyst” who works at Huff Post to zero in one particular observation … Tim Scott’s skin color.
Andy Ostroy would soon regret his racist tweet that called Scott a “manipulated prop” for standing next to Trump.
Scott fired back with the wit, class and grace he’s come to be known for in conservative circles.
Uh probably because I helped write the bill for the past year, have multiple provisions included, got multiple Senators on board over the last week and have worked on tax reform my entire time in Congress. But if you'd rather just see my skin color, pls feel free.
— Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) December 20, 2017
Scott was there because he earned his place in history to stand next to the president. The Republican senator was clearly moved by the bill’s passing and became choked up while thanking President Trumpfor his leadership on the issue.
In a tweet dated Dec. 1st, Scott explained how important working on tax reform was for him.
I grew up in a single-parent household, w/ a mom who worked 16 hours a day I know what it feels like to live paycheck to paycheck. I know what it feels like when you’re hopeless. I can relate, and I feel your pain. I see you. We see you. #TaxReform
— Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) December 1, 2017
Ostroy was not only destroyed by Scott, but conservatives stepped in to school the Huff Po writer with the truth. He deleted his tweet and offered a half-hearted apology, saying there were other way he could have “made his point.”
Sen. Scott was instrumental in the crafting and passing of the bill. You insulted him as if he were just somebody that was there. Sen. Scott has been a great advocate for the American worker.
— Greg West (@GregWest_HALOJM) December 21, 2017
You just confirmed what we all know Andy, that regressisve liberals are the true racist. Yall try to redirect that onto conservatives, but scratch the surface of a liberal and there it is.
— Տᗩᑎᗪᖇᗩ🎗️Citizen Journalist (@SandraXFreedom) December 21, 2017
Yes, “go on then.” We’ll wait here.