Poking fun at Democrats, the “fake news” mainstream media, and even his own choice for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who he mocked with an Alabama accent, President Trump was true to form at CPAC, hugging the American flag, regaling the overflow crowd with anecdotal tales of “brutal” New York friends, calling the Russian collusion fairy tale “bullshit,” and speaking non-stop, much of it off-the-cuff, for two hours. It is clear that the president has grown comfortable in his position as chief executive.

Rightly describing tariffs and their value in foreign trade, President Trump promoted his tariff policy, also declaring that before he came along no one knew anything about the value of tariffs in dealing with foreign trade partners. Not exactly true. I published my own ideas on tariffs, which, coincidentally, mirror the Trump tariff policy almost exactly, over five years ago here, and again here.

I was also glad to see the president correctly refer to the Democrat Party as the Democrat Party, and educate many, even famous conservative pundits like Dinesh D’Souza and certain Fox News talking heads, that it is NOT the “Democratic” Party any more than the Republican Party is the Republicanish Party. Just a pet peeve of my own that I was happy to see President Trump address.

Grab a bag of popcorn and your favorite beverage and enjoy watching two hours of classic Trump, or at least listen to him in the background as you do other things.

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