Remember James O’Keefe and Project Veritas’ undercover videos exposing voter fraud by Democrats last year? Then the blistering series of exposé videos on the Queen of Fake News, CNN?
Well, James is at it again, this time sending his reporters go undercover to expose the corruption and leftist bias of The New York Fake News Times, which calls itself the “paper of record.” I’m not sure about “paper of record,” but as a birdcage liner, The New York Fake News Times can’t be beat.
Nicholas Dudich, Audience Strategy Editor at The New York Fake News Times, admits his leftist bias and hatred for the Trump family in the Project Veritas video, below.
Actually, Dudich appears to be a compulsive liar, suffering from delusions of grandeur, claiming at one point to be the godson of James Comey, proven by Project Veritas and eventually admitted by Dudich to be a complete lie.
Later in the video, Dudich claims to have been a former Antifa goon who enjoyed physical confrontations with patriots, who he refers to as neo-Nazis. “I have punched neo-Nazis, many of them,” claimed Dudich. “So, I had fun. They’d start shit, I’m like, I get to hit you. I’m so excited,” Dudich boasted.
Dudich also referred to Donald Trump Jr. as Trump’s “dumb fuck of a son.”
THIS is what passes for an editor at The New York Fake News Times, a compulsive liar and a liberal Democrat (pardon my redundance).
The New York Fake News Times is apparently much more interested in hiring those who will tote the liberal Democrat water than those devoted to objectivity and nonpartisan impartiality.