Our public, government-run schools are all part of one large zombie manufacturing consortium! Watch the following video for proof, as a total scumbag who passes for a “professional educator” completely violates a young student’s First Amendment rights for the crime of wearing a MAGA hat and being a Trump supporter.

The effeminate teacher is little more than a career parasite who believes he speaks for the entire class (except the brave Trump supporter) because the entire class is following him and has no idea what is right or what is wrong and are happy to be little sheep who simply follow the career parasite’s unconscionable and egregiously improper direction.

The teacher also implies that the Trump supporting kid is an “asshole,” for which the kid’s father should ensure the teacher makes good use of his free government dental plan, paid for by the parents of kids the teacher is calling “asshole.” Nothing about America burns me up more than government career parasites! And, to be clear, I do not consider all government workers parasites. Many are not. I know many personally who are not. Unfortunately, too many are career parasites.

The saddest part of this video, in my opinion, is when the teacher announced he was taking the class to another room, leaving the Trump supporter in the classroom all alone, and not one student was smart enough to know that the teacher was wrong, or if he or she did know that the teacher was wrong, not brave enough to act on it and stand with the student.

I wish that at least one of the young sheep had done the right thing and stayed with the kid, if for no other reason than to support his First Amendment right, even if he or she was not a Trump supporter. But, unfortunately, our youngsters are, in large part, zombie followers (and this video proves it) because that is what our public education system has trained them to be.

The joke we know as government-provided education has produced indoctrinated numbskulls who know nothing of our Constitution or what is right and what is wrong. They simply follow the crowd and, having not yet formed a complete ability to think and analyze on their own, can be talked into anything by influential morons, which is why I have long favored repeal of the 26th Amendment, the amendment that gave 18-year-olds the “privilege” to vote. Do you think these kids can think critically enough and analyze deeply enough to competently vote for political leaders? This video should provide you with that answer. If it doesn’t, maybe you shouldn’t vote either.

And, now, Democrats want kids as young as 14 to be granted the privilege to vote, as the left relies totally on the stupid, gullible, misinformed, and corrupt to win elections.

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Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere…. https://www.gofundme.com/powdered-wig-society