I don’t know where Lindsey Graham found a pair of testicles (I suspect his pal, Songbird McCain, donated his as a parting gift), but I am really liking this new MAGA to the Max patriot!
Upon Songbird’s exit, the formerly meek and mild Lindsey Graham has morphed into a brash and bold conservative who takes no guff and has zero fucks to give on any particular day.
Another recent influence on Graham is President Trump who has shown Lindsey and anyone else paying attention that there is nothing to fear. Speak your mind, political correctness be damned!
With Lindsey’s newfound testosterone has come an expanded and expected vocabulary of curse words that Graham is quick to employ, regardless of circumstances. Mixed company, national television, makes no never-mind to Lindsey. Testosterone works that way. Those afflicted tend to not give a doodly. And, Lindsey’s audiences and constituents seem to approve of the new and improved South Carolina senator.
I have reported on several Lindsey sightings over the past few months. The following video is from a weekend campaign appearance in Las Vegas for Nevada Senator Dean Heller who is running for re-election.
To thunderous applause and shouts of approval, Graham declared, “If you’re the radical left who is trying to destroy the country, you can kiss my ass!”
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“If you’re the radical left who is trying to destroy the country, you can kiss my ass.” 😎
Best quote of the day from @LindseyGrahamSC at the GOTV rally today in Las Vegas in support of @SenDeanHeller for Nevada. #MAGA #redwave #VoteGOP #walkaway #VoteRed pic.twitter.com/Aff9BbcOXF— Courtney Holland 🇺🇸 (@hollandcourtney) October 27, 2018
During another Lindsey sighting on CNN a few months ago, Graham told his liberal interviewer who had suggested that he is two-faced, “If you don’t like me working with President Trump to make the world a better place, I don’t give a shit!” Video here. LOL! You go, Lindsey!
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