Of the 27 amendments to our Constitution, the third worst, in my opinion, is the 26th Amendment which lowered the national minimum voting age from 21 to 18. Horrible idea! Teenagers, generally speaking, simply do not possess the political awareness or life experience to make such grave decisions as voting for candidates running for offices of great responsibility and authority.
In case you are wondering, my #2 worst constitutional amendment ever was the 18th (prohibition of alcohol) and the very worst amendment was 16th which instituted the scourge of federal income tax, for which we can blame the grossly-oversized and ever-growing beast we call our federal government.
It is my opinion that the 26th Amendment should be repealed and replaced with a commonsense set of rules and requirements for those seeking the “privilege” (voting is not a “right,” as some believe) to vote in our national elections….
- No citizen under the age of 25 will be eligible to vote, and I am not opposed to raising that minimum age to 30. I believe that not until a citizen has been in the workforce for a number of years and been required to pay taxes and has gained some understanding of the way our government works can they responsibly be granted the privilege to vote.
- Members of the armed forces, regardless of age, have earned the privilege to vote upon enlistment, and unless dishonorably discharged, shall enjoy that privilege for the rest of their lives or until they have renounced their citizenship.
- Citizens receiving public assistance are ineligible to vote until they are no longer receiving public assistance, as this dependency represents a clear conflict of interest.
- Voters must renew their voter registration for each election in which they plan to vote no less than 30 days prior to the election as an anti-voter fraud measure. Each voter will be issued a voter identification card to be presented at the polling site.
- A brief, but not easy, civics exam must be passed by each citizen prior to voter registration or registration renewal. The exam will cover a variety of civics-related topics, like our Constitution, political system, current events, and the platforms of the candidates running for office.
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Some will consider my voting rules extreme. Perhaps they are, but extreme problems require extreme solutions. Anti-American, socialist candidates like the Clintons, Bernie Sanders, and Barack Hussein, as well as the battalion of Democrats now lining up to make a run for the White House in 2020 can only succeed by appealing to gullible, uneducated voters. They know that and are attempting to create even more uneducated voters.
Among the more major problems in America today, in my opinion, is our lax voting system. This attempt by liberal Democrats in Oregon is only the latest effort to weaken an already weak election system. Voter fraud is rampant, regardless of the denials coming from the left and the Democrat Communications Division, aka the mainstream media. Criminal aliens are voting, dead people are voting, clueless kids are voting, electronic voting machines are being hacked and manipulated, and now, Oregon wants to lead the liberal way in lowering the minimum voting age to 16.
In addition to the rules I outlined above, I believe the remedy to what ails our voting system today is a return to paper ballots, the old-fashioned, stubby pencil kind, and voter ID’s as specified above. We must eliminate hackable electronic machines altogether, which means counting all ballots by hand (twice), which I recommend be done at the precinct level immediately following the closing of the polls with witnesses from both parties present to certify the count by signature. In addition, I propose that all ballot counts be televised by streaming video so that all citizens are able to witness the count.
Oregon to consider plan to lower voting age to 16 https://t.co/eMoBs8m5ZR
Would you be in support of lowering the voting age to 16?
1) YES
2) NO pic.twitter.com/KhpiLg45Yk— Local 12/WKRC-TV (@Local12) February 20, 2019
21 is a stretch, alright. The minimum voting age should be at least 25. I agree that military members should be permitted to vote. They get it! High school and even most college kids do not. They lack the political awareness and life experience to make such grave decisions.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) February 20, 2019
If 16 yo’s don’t pay taxes, don’t fight for their country, can’t smoke or drink, and their parents are still held responsible for them then they are NOT old enough to vote. Remember, psych drs say their brains aren’t even mature yet. This is stupid
— craftylady (@ann_ewing2017) February 20, 2019
And in some states those younger than 16 can drive….should they too be allowed to vote? And what is so special about being able to drive that makes it so you should also be able to vote? Broken logic.
— Tom21 (@Tom2102694638) February 21, 2019
That's ridiculous! Kindergartners should not vote. First-grade should be the minimum. Six-year-olds are sharp. Why can't cats and dogs vote? They have a stake in society. And you are right, this is all about Democrats getting more voters. They rely on clueless voters.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) February 20, 2019
And, if you would like to know the source of this outrageously stupid proposal, look no further than the usual suspects, liberal Democrats, attempting to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens….
Facebook has shut down our pages and our marketing source, thus demonetizing us by 98% for the crime of being conservative patriots. Help us keep the lights on and the message alive by donating anything you can, and please, share this link everywhere…. https://www.gofundme.com/powdered-wig-society