Photo, above: Michigan Democrat Congressman John Conyers, prophetically descending the Capitol steps

That great sucking sound you hear is career swamp rat John Conyers circling the swamp drain.

A better argument for congressional term limits was never found than DC career parasite John James Conyers, who has announced, via his nephew and chosen successor, Ian Conyers, that he is stepping down from his seat in Congress amid multiple sexual misconduct allegations.

The Washington swamp rat will enjoy his 53rd anniversary in Congress in less than a month. THAT is shameful!

Congress was intended to be populated by citizen legislators who come to Washington for a term or two to serve their country, then go home.

If not for the sexual misconduct charges against him, no doubt Conyers would continue servicing America until he is called up yonder.

To give you an idea of just how old Conyers is, this was a new car when he was born, built by Detroit neighbor Henry Ford….

From The Washington Times

Rep. John Conyers plans to announce Tuesday that he will step down from his House seat after multiple claims of sexual harassment, The New York Times reported.

The congressman’s nephew, Ian Conyers, told the newspaper that his great uncle, a Michigan Democrat, will make a formal announcement later on Tuesday. The younger Mr. Conyers has previously said he would make a run for his great uncle’s seat should he plan to step down.

The 88-year-old was recently hospitalized for a stress-related incident.

The congressman’s health was more of a factor than the multiple claims of sexual harassment that led those like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and others to eventually call on him to resign, The New York Times said. Mrs. Pelosi initially defended Mr. Conyers and then recently called for his resignation.

Democrats remain divided on the issue, while others in the party said they will leave the decision up to the congressman.

Mr. Conyers was accused by at least two former employees who claimed he had pursued sexual relationships or unwanted sexual advances while they were working in his office.