“House popular vote.” Remember that phrase. If the Democrats fail to take the House of Representatives as has been predicted, then you will hear that phrase 24-7 from the mainstream media.
Here is how “House popular vote” works – if one House seat is won by a Democrat with 40,000 votes and two House seats in other states are won by Republicans with 20,000 votes and 15,000 votes, respectively, then, as nitwit Ezra Klein sees it, the Democrats won the popular vote and it is unfair that the Republicans have two House seats to the Democrats’ one.
I know, I laughed out loud, too!
Maybe an easier way to look at clueless Klein’s bizarre concept is this – say the Democrats win 215 House seats with a total 20,000,575 votes and the Republicans win 220 seats with a combined total of 20,000,574 votes. Then is Ezraworld, this is an egregious injustice and the Democrats should simply be handed the gavel and given 6 additional proxy votes.
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As I pointed out to a liberal weenie on Twitter (below) who was supporting Klein’s “House popular vote” insanity, what they are suggesting is that a football team that lost a game by a score of 63-7, then proceeds to argue that they actually won the game because they had more fans in the stadium.
So, if, indeed, the Democrats fail to take the House, watch for “House popular vote” to be the new buzz phrase among liberal weenies and talking heads from sea to shining sea.
Ezra Klueless, you do understand that House elections are, in fact, decided by popular vote, yes? Voters in any given district in one state cannot vote for House members in another state. Which part of "popular vote" are you not understanding?
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 7, 2018
Exactly! The Electoral College was set up to give all citizens equal representation in Congress. All House districts have a population of about 711,000, which is why HI has only 2 House seats. According to Ezra's weird math, CA should get HI's votes because they are bigger.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 7, 2018
Your point is not valid. Trump designed his campaign with the Electoral College in mind. I have no idea what Hitlery was thinking. If the election had been decided by popular vote, Trump would have won there too because he is simply smarter than the Wicked Witch of Benghazi.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 7, 2018
Your argument makes as much sense as a football team losing a game 63-7, then arguing that they should be awarded the win because they have more fans in the stadium.
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) November 7, 2018
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