Like a rolling snowball, the Honduran caravan is gaining speed and numbers as it makes its way north, provoking liberal weenies to come out from under their beds to bark at President Trump for caring enough to ensure their safety and prosperity by securing the border.

“I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!” President Trump threatened, if Mexico cannot stop the Honduran caravan. Liberal weenies have been apoplectic!

Rather than show their appreciation, they are like the little Chihuahua that yaps at any visitor who enters the house, nipping at his ankles until he picks the wrong visitor who punts him across the living room, from where he crawls under the couch with his tail between his legs and stays there until the mean, old visitor leaves.

Does little Chihuahua learn a lesson? Nope. Liberal weenies and Chihuahuas are incapable of learning. Expect more yapping and nipping and verbal abuse toward President Trump.

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