By Thomas Madison
It is hilarious (OK, maybe not) that the so-called Hollyweird progressives have labeled the GOP “the party of old white men,” and it stuck, at least in the thoughts and speech of their fellow brain-dead progressives. Ironically, leading the liberal Democrat field of presidential hopefuls are three snow-white geezers, admittedly two of them possess ovaries (presumably), including the annointed Hypocrisillary Clinton, while among the leaders in the GOP race to the White House are much younger candidates, among which are two Latinos, one black, and a woman, all much younger than the three nursing home presidential candidates on the left.
From Paula Priesse
It’s amusing how many Hollywood libs believe that their “talent” for producing instantly forgettable tripe or regurgitating lines off a page makes them experts on public policy. It’s these same hipsters who constantly yap about the GOP being the party of “old white men.” Wonder which socialist they’ll end up backing? Will it be the crony-capitalist socialist, 67-year-old Hillary Clinton? Or perhaps the proud admitted socialist, 73-year-old Bernie Sanders? Maybe they’re waiting for the phony populist socialist, Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren? Liz, who turns 66 next month, is the spring chicken of the group. Meanwhile the six declared candidates of the party of “old white men” includes two Latinos in their mid-40s, two doctors (one white 52 and one black 63), a former female CEO younger than both Clinton & Warren and Mike Huckabee aged 59. Then there’s this: 1) Median age in the House: Dems 62, GOP 55 & 2) Median age in the Senate: Dems 64, GOP again 55. Liberalism & Hollywood is the perfect match. Both are failing and have run out of new ideas. P