Every day another prominent racist on the left ratchets up the hateful rhetoric towards white Americans, especially white conservative Americans. Leftists have no use for black conservatives either, but it is white conservatives they hate most. They are not far from calling for the complete genocide of white people, and, in fact, some, like Louis Farrakhan, have called for white genocide in the past.

CNN’s resident racist, Don Lemon, recently came very close to calling for the genocide of white people in a dialogue with fellow talking head moron Chris Cuomo. Lemon declared that “the biggest terror threat is white men” and “we have to start doing something about them.”

Lemon began his racist rant by declaring, “I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity.” He then proceeded to demonize one group or ethnicity, white men.

Cuomo, who appears to be a white man, nodded his approval throughout Lemon’s racist rant.

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One must wonder if Lemon’s boyfriend shares Lemon’s opinion that white men are “the biggest terror threat.”



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