By Thomas Madison
First things first. I would like to thank each and every voter in the state of Arkansas who voted for Tom Cotton for Senate. You have gifted America with a stalwart patriot at a time when we all need his patriotism and leadership in a dire way. God Bless you all!
Tom Cotton is not only the rising star of the GOP in the Senate, he is THE star. In the two whole months since his inauguration he has made waves, made enemies, and made many red-blooded Americans smile, yours truly included.
You can tell when a Republican politician is doing great things for America. That’s when the scum liberal Democrats come out of their sewer manholes in full-on attack mode. They are actually calling Cotton a traitor for his letter to Iran and have collected over 200,000 signatures on a petition requesting that Cotton (as well as the other 46 signatories to Cotton’s letter) be charged with treason.
Wow! Day is now night and night is now day. The whole world is turned upside down. Those whose actions are patriotic are now labeled traitors and those whose actions are treasonous are now labeled patriots.
Allen West wrote today:
To all of you hypocrites on the left, spare me. Not a one of you said a thing when Nancy Pelosi was over in Syria hamming it up with Bashar Assad or when she ignorantly referred to Hamas as a “humanitarian organization” because the Qataris said so — as Hamas was raining down rockets and missiles on Israel.
Sen. Cotton sent a letter to the Iranian ayatollahs and conveyed a simple message: your agreement with President Obama is only with President Obama.
If you want to talk about “treasonous,” explain to me why Obama wants a deal with a country holding American prisoners? Why would Obama threaten our U.S. Congress with vetoes if they pass legislation to restore sanctions, or even if the Congress votes for legislation to demand their approval of any “deal?”
And guess what? Sen. Cotton’s action forced U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to admit in a hearing Wednesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that any unilateral agreement by President Obama with Iran is non-binding.
Ladies and gents, that was the crux of the message Cotton sent to the ayatollahs. I found comical former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tweeting out an attack against Sen. Cotton — perhaps she should be explaining 30,000 deleted emails sitting in a private server in her Chappaqua residence. Or maybe she’d like to remind us how well that “reset button” with Russia is working.
He further went on to add:
Even Greta Van Susteren tried to corner Sen. Cotton on her show Wednesday evening asking him why he didn’t just send his letter to the New York Times or Washington Post. Well Greta, that just ain’t how an American Airborne Ranger Infantrymen is wired. There’s no reason to be afraid of confronting the Ayatollahs, and they only respect and understand strength and might — not this Low T-style of leading from behind.
Senator Tom Cotton just did what someone should have done decades ago in the late 1930s when Sir Neville Chamberlain entered into negotiations with Adolf Hitler and waved a signed document. That same document was later defined by Hitler as nothing but a piece of paper. What if there had been someone in England’s Parliament who courageously sent a letter to Herr Hitler stating that the English knew him for who he was and wouldn’t be fooled?
So why is the left responding so vehemently? It’s simple; Tom Cotton displayed resolve — something lacking in this administration, unless you include attacks of political opposition — even if they are in your same party, i.e. Sen. Robert Menendez.
No one is supposed to challenge the policies of Barack Obama, regardless of how dangerous they are. Why is it that we have ISIS in Libya? Senator Cotton did nothing to undermine President Obama; he did everything to honor the oath that he took as a commissioned officer — and to protect the American people.
As I have stated before, every single U.S. Senator should have signed onto that letter. In not doing so, we now know who we the American people can count on to make the stand against the Iranian regime – which is now in the Iraqi city of Tikrit.
Can I ask a rhetorical question, why do we have U.S. troops in Iraq when Iran is calling the shots?
There is a saying among U.S. Army Rangers, “Rangers lead the way”, and so it is with Cotton. EvenPolitico recognizes that, “the youngest senator in the chamber at 37, Cotton has emerged as a leader of the next generation of GOP hawks. With his missive to Iran’s political leadership, ultimately co-signed with 46 of his GOP colleagues, and the fallout over his unusual attempt to circumvent the president’s foreign policy deal-making, Cotton has rocketed to the top of TV bookers’ lists, and fellow Republican senators are suddenly flocking to him for counsel on foreign policy. All before he’s even given his maiden speech on the Senate floor. Cotton has gained prominence with a disciplined adherence to talking points on television and the campaign trail. With support from the conservative wing of the party as well as leadership, Cotton has risen from the House to Senate in two years and is seen by some Republicans as an eventual White House contender.”
Much remains to be seen, but in less than three months Senator Tom Cotton has blazed a trail — a true pathfinder. Of course taking on President Obama and his failed foreign policy — actually embarrassing the President — has drawn attention. But something tells me the progressive socialist left doesn’t intimidate a combat veteran Airborne Ranger Infantryman.
And so I sit here writing this with a smile on my face, glad I took those trips to Arkansas to support a fellow Soldier. We need more combat veterans on Capitol Hill because the oath we take has no statute of limitations — and we are fearless. Wimpy politicians do not spook us.
Army Strong, Senator!
LTC Allen West