Photo, above: Elon Musk, finished with facebook! On a side note, all that money and can’t afford a coat that fits? Looks like Spandex
Poor Mark Zuckerberg (yeah, right!), getting hammered relentlessly by everyone who is anyone for his slimy and unfair business practice, allowing presidential candidates to mine personal information on facebook to market for voters.
Zuck put an end to this practice when it was discovered that candidate Trump was doing it, which sent the mainstream media into a feeding frenzy, like sharks devouring a side of beef. What they didn’t mention, and don’t care about, is that Barack Hussein did the very same thing. The only difference is Hussein did it with facebook’s tacit approval. Why? Because “they were on our side,” explained a fascistbook exec to an Obama staffer. Link to that story HERE.
Fascistbook has also been on a crusade to cripple conservative publishers like Powdered Wig. We now receive a small fraction of the traffic we received prior to President Trump being elected, which makes it practically pointless to spend the time managing our facebook pages and groups, an effort that requires many man-hours of work daily. We are maintaining the pages and groups out of loyalty to our hundreds of thousands of followers, but really, what’s the point? Our articles are not reaching the newsfeeds of our readers anyway due to fascistbook’s manipulation. We get many comments from readers complaining that they no longer receive our articles in their newsfeeds, which is being prevented by the fine folks at fascistbook.
Facebook will decide what is best for you, so you just shut up and like it! In the meantime, we will continue making money for facebook by involuntarily allowing them to advertise on our pages FOR FREE!
We aren’t taking this control freak fascism by Zuck and his troop of flying monkeys (appropriately termed a “congress”) lying down. We are blasting right back, as evidenced by our recent articles on Zuckerberg’s un-American fascism, which in my opinion violates two amendments to our Constitution (4th and 14th). Links to those articles, which we still run daily as a pure protest are located HERE and HERE.
There is also a growing grass roots campaign on Twitter to deal with Zuckerberg’s fascism. The now popular hashtag #deletefacebook is a growing movement begun by former facebook executive Brian Acton.
The budding #deletefacebook movement appears to be flourishing and has caught the attention and participation of billionaire investor Elon Musk, who has deleted his companies’ facebook pages with 2.6 million followers.
From The Verge
During a tweetstorm, Elon Musk has removed both of his companies’ Facebook pages after being challenged to do so by a few of his followers. The pages of both SpaceX and Tesla are now inactive. Each had around 2.6 million followers.
Musk was answering a flurry of tweets this morning when he responded to one from Signal’s Brian Acton, co-founder of the Facebook-owned WhatsApp, that contained the hashtag #deletefacebook. “What’s Facebook?” Musk queried. Afterward, a follower told Musk he should delete SpaceX’s Facebook page if Musk was “the man.” Musk claimed he didn’t even know it existed and then said he would, probably in an attempt to preserve his “the man” status.
Things ballooned from there. After someone showed Musk a screengrab of the SpaceX Facebook page, he noted it was the first time he had seen it and that it would “be gone soon.” Then someone prompted him to delete Tesla’s Facebook page, with Musk responding that it “looks lame anyway.” And just for good measure, it seems that the Facebook page for Tesla-owned Solar City has disappeared as well.
Musk’s massive Facebook troll comes on the heels of a particularly bad week for the social media company. Over the weekend, it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm that worked on President Trump’s election campaign, had improperly acquired data from 50 million Facebook users. The backlash has continued since then, with Facebook users showing concern over the disregard for their privacy and government officials demanding answers.
Despite the anti-Facebook stance Musk is taking, SpaceX and Tesla are still alive on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. Perhaps Musk will shun that platform, too — if he is the man.
A lot of people depend on facebook for marketing. But, that doesn’t matter to facebook. Nothing matters but their own deep pockets. They care nary a whit that people’s lives are being impacted in a very negative way by their ruthless, unfair, fascistic actions, some going bankrupt, which has happened to several conservative internet publishers who I know personally.
I have paid facebook thousands of dollars to promote my pages, only to be led around by the nose, have my pages restricted, even deleted, without explanation.
If you meet a facebook executive on the street be sure to count your fingers before shaking hands with him or her.