Even though Dick Durbin is a known liar and has lied about things that were never said in presidential meetings in the past, and even though President Trump denies using the term “shithole,” and even though at least two others who were in the meeting (there were only six people present, including President Trump) have denied that President Trump ever used any such language, the left continues to pound the narrative in their most righteous indignation.
Yes, the ever-loving and tolerant left is up to their ever-loving and tolerant hypocrisy again.
The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.
Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property, according to The Hill.
“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump reportedly said, before suggesting that the U.S. bring in more immigrants from countries like Norway.
The White House initially did not deny that Trump made the remarks, but Trump later disputed the reports on Twitter.
Lawmakers, media figures and world leaders have all decried Trump’s comments. The African Union, representing all 55 African countries, demanded Saturday that Trump apologize for the remarks.