We in the right wing blogosphere talk among ourselves, and while we are certain that we have been the targets of liberal weenie Silicon Valley giants Google and fascistbook facebook over the past several months, we have been unable to able to prove it. Now we have a smoking gun, hard evidence, if not proof.
Below is Brock’s confidential memo. Pay particular attention to Page 12, “Collaborating with social media.” I believe the word “collaborating” should be changed to “conspiring.”
I also believe that this raises serious antitrust and First Amendment issues and begs for a class action lawsuit, and that George Soros should be arrested for sedition and his assets frozen.
David Brock, the seasoned liberal operative and Clinton loyalist who founded Media Matters, huddled with more than 100 donors (within hours of President Trump’s inauguration) at the swanky Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla. to map out how Democrats will “kick Donald Trump’s ass.”
The Washington Free Beacon attended the retreat and obtained David Brock’s private and confidential memorandum from the meeting. The memo, “Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action,” outlines Brock’s four-year agenda to attack Trump and Republicans using Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue.
The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters’ mission to combat “government misinformation,” ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuits against the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a “digital attacker” to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat “fake news.”
Below is the confidential memo in its entirety.
Full David Brock Confidential Memo On Fighting Trump by Joe on Scribd