I only watched a few minutes of the Cohen carnival testimony on Wednesday. What little I saw was so repulsive, I had to turn it off.

The Democrats treated Cohen as if the convicted criminal on his way to prison is the most credible person on the planet. Why? Because he was there to disparage President Trump in every way that he could, ostensibly for favorable treatment in regard to his upcoming prison sentence.

The Republicans present discredited Cohen as a lying, criminal ingrate because that is what he is. Mark Meadows has filed a criminal referral against Cohen for “illegally lobbying on behalf of foreign entities without registering.”

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Longtime close friend of Cohen, Lynne Patton, was invited to the hearing by Congressman Mark Meadows to counter Cohen’s unsubstantiated claim that President Trump is a racist.

Patton, an African-American, is a senior official in the Department of Housing and Urban Development and a close friend of the Trump family who considers the children of the president among her closest friends.

Challenged by Meadows to prove that President Trump is a racist, Cohen could only point to the lack of black executives in the Trump organization. Like all liberals, when he has nothing else, Cohen cries “racism.”

Patton also posted the following to her Instagram account, describing her respect and admiration for the Trump family and Cohen’s motive for trashing the president, which she described as a hope for leniency in his upcoming prison sentence.

As someone who considered #MichaelCohen one of my very best friends for the past 10+ years – virtually inseparable during our tenure at the Trump Organization (and even before) having personally introduced me to the Trump family, leading to my subsequent employment therein, and arguably, my current job – the only word that truly comes to mind this week is sad.

I am sad that Michael has elected to leverage his own personal illegal activities into nothing more than political theater this week with the sole partisan purpose to embarrass a sitting President with unfounded personal or professional gossip.

 I am sad that Michael would turn his back on a man to whom he has repeatedly said he owes everything in the hope of a reduced prison sentence. 
Lastly, I am sad for myself. 

Sad that I have wasted so much time and energy caring, supporting and loving a man I now realize I truly never knew. 

If Michael Cohen had anything of substance to offer against the President of the United States, Mueller would not have rejected his plea for leniency and Cohen would not be going to jail. Period. 
Above all, I am sad that Michael would – once again, on a world stage – levy unsubstantiated claims – particularly those of bigotry and racism – against a man who has single-handedly helped raise five of the most unbiased and open-minded children I’ve ever known. Four of whom I count among my very best friends, to date. 

I stated this in my viral video back in 2015 and I’ll say it again: As the daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Alabama, there is no amount of money in the world that would make me work for a man who I thought harbored bigoted or racist ideologies. 

People who have known this man far less than I have have been offered over 7-figures to write best-selling works of fiction, yet the thought has never crossed my mind. So I truly mean it when I say there is no amount of money in the world to make me either work for (nor sell-out) this family. Zero. 

The bottom line is that, much like Omarosa Manigault Newman, it does not take someone 15 years to figure out someone is a racist. 
Unless, of course, they’re not one. 🙄

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